Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
— Tbere i» *ome t»lk of • repeti- ; tion of the Tbintie Clab concert. ■ - Mr. P. M Boooey b«s assamed the basicees management of tbe Holompa Publishing Company. Tbe Tbarstouian monument on the Esplanade yciept tbe ‘’Xew Market House“ is yet unoccopied. The next event of moment is tbe proposed bicycle race. at tbe Park, uext Satnrday. Tbe “typos” did not raeet on last Saturday evening, but will do ao on next Saturday. Tbe bark Amy Tnroer arrived this noon from New York. She coroes consigned to C. Brewer «V Co. Tbe Government is liable to become engaged in a law-suit ovcr the new dredger, its use being an infringeroeut on a patent. Tbe ioorabers of the Mauuerehor clnb acquitted themselves well in their portion of the eomplimenlan - concort to Berger, on last Saturday evoning. The religions services held at Haimony Hall, on Sunday were well attended. Kev. T. D. Gar vin preached both morning and evcoing. Uousekeepers and others shonld not forget tho opportunit\ r oH’ered to obtain cboice goods at Lev©y’s aueiion sales day «ftor tomorrow. | Notwithstanding the strongly raarked prospeots of raiu on Saturday and Sunday none fell uutil late Sunday eveuing, and then ouly iu trade showers. There wero light and frequent showors valleyward this raoruing. -- - - The U. S. Flagship Philadelphia is expected to be relieved by the U. S. S. Charleston on next Wednesday the Sth inat.; sho will leave immediately for the coast. Admiral Walker aecompanying the vessel.
The report of the administra- j tors of tlie late John P. Parker, shows thut the receipts have been $5,750, expeuditures $307.19» leaving a halanee on hand of $5,442.81. gTtr" If Voi r Horse ok Dog i is sick send thera at onee to 205 j King Street. The ouly Veterinary Infirmary in the Hepuhlie fully equipped with raoderu appliarces and skilltull alteadants. augl-lm Tbe question of tho recognition of the Hawaiian Republic, so-called, was to be discussod by tho American Cabinet on July 29th, or on tbe arrivul oi the Hawaiian commissioners. The McCandless Bros. have been giveu vue contract, to the sick, tbe proposed artesian we’.l for the Queeu s Hoapiial, and work theroon will be commenced at ouee. Mr. E. Oscar White, of the firm of E. O. Hall Son, weut forward to Vancouver B. C. by the steamei Arawa. Mr. White will returu by the next stearaer I thence.
Somebody, name not given, baa made quite a neat little sum out of tbe sale of planls, ferns. grass-bouses, etc.. whieh formed a poiiion of tbe Hawaiiau Exbibit at the Mid wiuter fake. A valuable stock of drugs, medicioes, siugical instnjments, groceries and proTisions, etc. belongiug to tbe estate of tbe )ate Dr. Trousseau, will be sold by Mr. L J. Levey, on Wednesday tbe 8th inst. M. G. Silva e\pect« a larg* loi of new goods on ibe steamship 4ustralia Salur4*y* Tbese goods sbooid bave arrived before this, but have been detained on tbe overland route ou aeeonui of tbe strike.