Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — A Curious Table. [ARTICLE]

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A Curious Table.

Tbe unitiateil bavo olton woniierod how the mis*lotiftries mauaped to so 8atisfatorily divide up the lands and effeots of tbe Hawaiians. Tbe question has now been solved. In thc anction rooms of Mr. Lewis J. Levey may be seeu a remarkable table in the form of pyramid—in fact a gambling maohine. Tbe table is circular with four spring buttons working a marbla placed at the apex of the pyramid. By pressiug the buttan. the marble runs ihrougb a numberof spikes on tbe pyramid until it reaches one of a nnmber of }>ockets at the foot. Theupocketsarenumbered. Twelve roarbles are placed on the pyramid at varioos poiuts between the apex aud the pockets and eaeh marble counts as extra. The game raust been higbly amnsiug as well as profitable to tbe missionary players and was viewed with the greatest delight by the asserobled n»tives, for the game vras invariahiy play*»d at any great fo»tival. The table is now on sale, becaase the missionaries h»ve no fariher uso for it