Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — In the Circuit Court. [ARTICLE]

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In the Circuit Court.

The Augnst term of the Circnit Conrt was opened this morning. 11 is lionor W. A. Whiting was the presidiug Justice. The Attorney Oeueral w«8 absont. Deputy Attorney Geueral Gardner Wilder, appe«red for the proseputiojj. There was a goneral attendance of the Members of the Har. Tho Calendar was called, and thc indietnients prcsented. The roll of tho Hawoiian Jury was called. . Upon tho calling of tho roll. eneh Jurm was questionod, “as to whethcr he had taken tho oatb to support the coustitution of the Kepuhlio of Hawaii; and U not. if he intended to do so.” All but three of the whole panel stated that they had uot, and did not intend to do so. The Court declared thom ioba.dii3qualifled, and they were discharged from further atteudauce. Of tbe romaining three, two wore government ofhcials. Thoy wore dēclared disqoalified on that ground. Jho lopely romaiuing one was (olin Hapa Kahumoku.