Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CITY DRAYAOB CO. Stand: and Fort StrceU. White and 6!ack Smd. Dr»ying EKine at R*asonabIe Raies. W. F. SHARRETT. Mmr.u. MACHINE MAD£ POI! FACTORY. : : KALIHI. Taro PlanO, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up Mutual TeIephone 577. Bell 645. W. L. \VILCOX. jy*25 Manager. RINU l P MlTl .U. TELE SL’ NIEPER S Baggage Express. Ot5ce. Fort St„ ilooolula. II I Baggage and Furniture Carefully Hand!ed »nd Delivered at Short Xotice to All Parts of the City. ?tand on Cor. ol‘Fort Ā- Qoeen Stj. jr» T. B. Murray Ih Yel to l*o Koiinil On tho Ol.l Htaad. \o. I » King Nt.—IIis Rii*ineft« an CARRIAGE AM> imi Lill (i«es On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY gets smasheJ he will he ready to REPAIR. PAINĪ AND TRlM IT At a Reasonable Figare.— No Extra Cbarge for Fnrnishiug thdm with Common 8en»e. LET THE.M RINO UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. Jy216m

City - Carriage Mf’Q. c e . Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STHEET D. BEflT, Blacksmith Work ▲XI» Carriage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TBIMMING In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Prices. Mutual TeIepbone 382 Give us a Call and judge for youreelf. jv23 CRITERION 8AL00N, Weiianei • Extra»Pate L.ager Heer 2 Schooners for 25 Cta. jjl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r l’ernantles & Gonies WHOLE8ALE California W)nes and Spirifs, No. 502 Fort St. Honokilo, H. I. P. O. Box 436, Mutual Teie. 140. jy30 2oi