Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Programme ol BICVCLE MEET To W Hif<i On Saturdav, Au?. 1ith KAPIOLANI PAUK, 2:3ō r.«. shsrp 1— One Mile Dish, <»pcB; 2— H»īf MiW D*sh. eotkv; Sdr« Me<Ul. j 3—Ooe Qu»rter M;:c Dash. open: Silver Me-Ul. 4 — One H*Ii Mi!e Da&k, bors ander 15 ve*rs; Silrer Meda..<; nrss *n.i ooa i. I ' 5— Ooe H*if Mile Dish, open: Ool.i Med*l. 6— One MUe Dasli. Ihwe nunnte cUss; Si!ver Meial. 7— Thrtc Qaartcr Mile Dash, open; QoU Med*l. S—One Mile Dash, novHV: Silver Me,Uls. ! Emnmoe Fee for K*-ea Sos. 1. 3 and 7, f 1.30; all o»hers. enUunoe 51. i AJI Eutries *o Ckwe OS MOXDAY. Ang 6th, 12 noon. at the offioe of H. E. 'Valker, Merchant Street, Honolalu. Oenenl Admistōon, ōO cU; Grand Staud, j extra, 23 cts; Qaarter Stretch Badges. 52.iX) eaeh; Carriages (inside of meeoonrse' 52.50. i United | Carriage Company, M. REIS i J.C. QUINN !ā®HiĒS r SS!3JSĒISS®2!3Ē —290 TO THE PUBLIC:—\f yon are Ihinkini; abont shopping. calling or tnkin>' in the siirhts, rini; np 2J0, »ncre ron ean ubtain a first-ola-.~ carriage with elegant h<>r8cs and a civil driver, or if you choosc to drivc yoursclf, we ean acconimodatc you with «tylieh Buggies, Phactons, Sarrics ānd Wagoncttcs. We have for livery hoi>es Ihe tincst roadsters in the Kepnhlie. " Our livery horscs eompeiee somc of thc well-known rōadstcrs. snch as the Gray-caglc, White-swan, Prince Henry, Abadellā, Koanoke. Lady Tempieton, 8tevcwhipp«r and others: a chi!d ean drive any of tbesc horscs, but it takes a Kansas cyclone to pas? one of them on thc road. For farther particnlars, ring up 2Ut>, or eall at <>ur stand and olliee neit to E. O. Hail a Son. jy 26. j :d. e ROWE. House Sign an<1 OinamoUal Painter. Manufacture of Liquid SIatmg. 620 King Strecl. augl pHCK COKXEK oF Nuuanu and Beretania Streets. 561 <-Both TeLephoxe3: —<, 561 GOOD, RELIABLE axd Jy27tf ClVIL DRIVERS.

M'JTVAL Tbl. j66. P. o. Box ijS. WING WO TAI & CO., N'o. i? Nll - anv St*kbt Hox»ulu. H. I.. Commission Merchants, —Imports&3 a>d De.alkr.4 rx— Generai Merchandise. Kine ManiU Cinrs, Ctiicc*« acd jBpane*c C‘roikenr**re, MaUin^i, Vb*cs ot »M klr.d9, Campt>c,rwood Trnnks, Rattan Chairs. A Fine A««ortment of Dre«s Silks. Cbok-eot Bran.l« of Chlne*e ami Japanc*e Teasof Latesl lmportation» In*pteiSoH o/Xt\e Goodtjrtptfi/uUjf m>Uritfii. jaly«. Chas. T. Ouliek NOTARY PUBLIC 1 For tho Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracta. . Agent to Gra Qt Marriage Lieense«, Honolnln, Oahn. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of { Pirr «t Scott’ s Freight and ParceU £xpress. Agent for tbe Barlington Konte M Estate Mer aii &eneral A^I Bell Tel. 343; Mni Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FP1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Stroet Hnnolala H * FOR SALE. Ono Marqaee Tent. new; Size 16x8*i feet; 6 feet Wail; 13 faot Roof 8 nz. Dock; Poloe, Pina, King Rjfter, etc. lnqaire at the HOLOMUA OFFICE. |