Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 181, 6 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Club Stables Company, p. F. Managep
; Livery and Feed i Stables. FOHT STREET, between Hotel and Beretania Streets, Honoiulu. Both Telephones 4*« jy23 lin PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory, RiKERY aiul lee Cre»m Parlors! HORN m m 1863 II! 1894 m PRACTICAL COX FEC T10NĒH and ORNAMENTER In all hni/ieke» o/ Ihe hiuine»* on these inlamle. Amenean, English. Germ»n and Frcneh PA.STK1E3 Madc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made ol tue Very Best Materlal and at Keaaonahle Rates. Family 6raham & Fancy Bread Ahray* on Iīaud. ALL <O.YFECTIOYER1 Manufactured at My Establishment Are Gnaranteod to bc Positirely Pnre and Sold at Prices no other estahlishmont ean compete with. FACTORY ANI) STORE. No. 71 Hote! Street, llonolulu. Botl> Tclcphoncs No. 74. jy36 TO LET. A Large Parlor Bedroom, King Street, next door to John F. Bowler's residence. Inquire of jy27 10t Mkp. BAILEY. PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND HOTEL STS. Headqnarters Emerpms Brewing Co. Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arrived bere, no7y on Draught jjH J. DODD, Prop'r K. UEKTZ, B()OT and 3HOEMAKEK I Kepairiosr ke«U} Uone. Oppoaiie lbe Clqb Stablcs. Fort Slreet, and will be gUd to aee hia uM frieudi. my7 tf WA X T D ! I FrRXlTrKE. disuea glassware. } Clocks. Watch«. Je»elry, OM Goid and i 5īlrcr. and even boajjtil aad *o!d at 114 i Klne Stre*s. eofr»«r of Alakea. \yi7 ■ t 11 .4 DM15f IST R 4TOR*S XOTXCE. THE L NDEESIGSED bee& da!r ■ appoinleil Admi&istrator of tbe £a;ate of j PAHIA KALOI k. ol Mok&e. Haaa. Maai. h dece*sed, vonld herewith gire notide to all > peno&e lŪTiag eeeoaats agsinst tbe s«d esute (o pm*ci tbem lo'hna. prtp.>rtsvor> U>, vitkia six monih» "from dete h«reof, or tivey »>U be iam*t bamd. A»d ail penoae ov>ng tbe aud estaie ue ro- 1 qae*tad to settk lurtl»vith. I M. H. HEUIEE. Xdnunutrator of tbe £state oi Pahia 1 -» T — T -fl Haaa, Maoi,Juljr 7lh, lāW.