Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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- London, Jaly 19. A marriage j has been arranged between M. Ferdinand de Bothscbi!d and tbe , eldest daagbter of tbe Rigbt Hon. Artbur Mellesley Peel; Speaker of tbe Hoase of Commons. London, Jaly 13. Mr. W. Hil-. lier, the Britisb Consul at Seoal, j the capital of Corea, and Mre. i Hillier have been sabjected to maeh indignity at the bands of Japanese soldiere. wbo assiolted the Consu 1 and his wife. Thirty Britisb sailors have been landed to protect the Legation. London, Jalyl9. In eommeuting npon tbe resolts of the general elections m New Soatb Wales. the Ckro*icU Ihia morning says that Sir Henry Parkes oaght now to be able to rea!ise his dream oI a federated Aastralia. 1