Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE CARTWR!CHT BasiE«8 o t » Kduci*ry S»ture Tr*ns*cted. Prciicpt »:tcntion giren to tbe m*E8gtment of E«-Utes, G iariiinships, Tnz>u. atc., etc., etc. Op.<xs, : Buikhng, llerchant Street. Honolnln H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. - Honolulo Families, PIantations and Ships supplied with choicest Euro x ,ean & American Groccries Califoruia Pnxloce by Every Steamer. Mercliant jLCxchanpje Corner King ana Nuuanu Streets. S. I. SHA\V....Proprietor. The Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhere in the town. First-class attendance. Call and judge ; foryourself. no 113—tf. LEWI8 & C0. Wholeaale and Retaii Gro AND PROYISION DEALERS. . FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By Every 8an Francisco Steamer Salt Salmon ik Babbels a Spectalty. /// Fort Sl., Honolulu. Tcl. 240, P O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny BIock. JOBBERS OF | -WINE8, and i SPIRITS KENGLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, Nuaaim and Pauahi StrwU. Cabinets. $3.50 Per Dozen. * " 2,00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 15.50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Gootla ar.il Chinese Silks. flational \m Woi^ QU£EN' Stbeet, Betweeu Alakea & RicharJ Stfi. TH£ UXDEKSIGNBD are prepered (o make all kinds of I Lrou B»ss, Bronar, Zinc, Tin aad Lsad Caating» Also Gooeral Eepaii Shop for Steam £ngiaa«, Btoa Milla, Corn MilU, Watar Whaala, Wind klilk. etc, Maekiaaa lor tba Qeauag of Coff*e, Caator Oik, Beaua, Kamie, Sisal, . Pinoapple Laam k otbar Fihrou« PlaaU, And Faper Stock Ako Maehinaa for Extraeūng Starch froai tbe Uaaioe, Anow Boot, ete. (3T AB Onkn promptlj attaaded lo. WHITE, RITMAN CO.