Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAINIPPO Holel Stret [Arlmgton li Th<- »bore gu»n* h*« re«-ired »c Large Inroioe of |jAPANESE j5lLK, f ANCY poc Per S. S. “China.” —OOMJ'KBI>C—BEAUTiFUL S!LK AXD CRA Dr>-«' Qond« in »J1 «h*de, pUun »nd fi( Cn*hioM, T»We Corers, Bed CV<Ter», ('m-wn*, ehemiaea, S1 Silk frapc Haiohow S A.11 Oolon PtDC7 Dr.iperies EMBR01DERED HANDKERCH1 PoilliM, Scarfs, Sa*he«, Ja< k* ts, C»i«, Etc., Etc. NOVELTlES: The Price« of theae <too»U will astonU iucluding ELEūANI 8ILK KIMOI Haudsome Ci h *ar«tte Cases, Piu enahion*, Silk Tea Cosaii LAKlīE AM» SMALL JAI'AIESE Silk Umbrellas, li«ht but strong; Chair Sad(lles, Silk; Kamlioo Blinds, fitfed with pulle Silk Lamp Shades, uew style. j ai’a n ksk sckk»:n», Vr«« * LIIWE JAPA5E5KII8KELL f L Can lie Set with Pole In the ( nicefor l*icnics or Lunehee ont of they eau be opened out or used as a COTT()N CRAPI IN GREAT VAR1ETY tF*lnsp«a tiou lles|>eetfully Invited Mk?. Calsa* o, Aropricti Aprl2-3ms JUST ARR1VI q q 55 BABY ■ CARRIAG OF ALL STYLES, A.v V. IS THE 1ATEST TATTElt> “.HOU5EHOLI SEWING MACHI Hand Sewing Machins Cir.KU WiU» the UU»t Inipmwm PAELOK Orarans, Guitf