Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner ORUG STORE Pure Drugs, Ti"ue Pei , fumes, Pix>mpt Attention, Vc£r Low Pi’ices Comer Foi*t A: Hotel Sts. aui rr 2v£. S. X-. , JCi Will on AUtlUST l?t Bemovd from hi? preaent slore on HoteI stiret, to the plaee former!y occunied by Benson, Smith A: t'_>., on Fort street. After I pet settle<l it wiil b« to your advantage to notes the priees, ete., that will appear in thi? euluni;; P. 0. Box 480. Mctc*l Tklkphosk 245. The Cheapest Plaee ‘i on the Islands to Buy NewandSecondHand Fnrniture 1S AT THE CORNEK OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honolulu H. i. ir»

!Cong Branch -8ATHmGEstablishment. This Fīrsl*Class Bathing H*-s-)rt has been enlarge<l ar.d is now open ; to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath. and there ia no better olaee to lay uff. Special. accoramodations for I.adies. tVamcar8 pass the d every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen ramutes. C. J. SHERNVOOD, jv24 Proprietor. Fbom thls date. b. f. hoffackbb u alone anthoru«d to draw draft or to give oitfcr9 for mer.'handise or auppliee on behaif of tfae Hnwaiinn Comwem.il and Sogar Compeny. THE HAWAIIAN OOMMEBdAL AXD SCOAR COMPANY C. A. Srt;B aau», Oenenal Manager. Jyl7-2w YOKOHAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANU Sts. Silk aod Crepea, Embroidered Hadk«rchiefs, Wiodow CurUins. Straw Hats, Fans, L'inlem*, 6askets. all ».»rte; Disbes. Tea and Breakfaat Sets. Trays, F!ower P0I3, Silk Btd.juiiU, Bamboo Screecs. Neek iiea, ;«ik and Crepe Shirts, iapaueae Tuys. Japanese Provi»ion» bv tbe whole- ’ sale. jy28 MLKATA A CO. CHIN KKK. HORSESHOEING SHOP, Maunakea A Pauahi Street. f Kew eet ail ronnd» $ I SC 01d wt aU n>ond 1 00 K«t Door to Ko. ō Engiiw Hooee. t »agl

Capt. Wm. Davies, Rigirer, Stevedore anel AV recker. ESTIM ATF.S AS T D C0XTRACT8 ON ALL KINDS OF \vqhk. Steamer Waimanalo will run regular to Waianae, Waialua an<i Way Landing. Inqairo «l office ot J. S. Walkkk orer Sprt-cke4'. Bank. (eb U tf.

NOTICE T0 Vīsitars, Pieme Partia, I m —ANI>— GEN r ERAL PUBLIC! At Smith s Bcs a?iu Liveby Stabi.e, Kl5G Street. [Adjoioing MetropoliUn lle*l M*rket.] U tke Cbeope«t PUee in T»vn yon ean get Ba9»es. W»goneties, Bnggie« and S*ddle Bones. lt viil {«7 yon to eali snd me belore jon trr eiaewhem. XC2T Mataal Telephone 40S Wgi-tf Wing 8ing Chan» SO. 330 XUCAXU STR£ET, HONOLULU lu£exc0cLO.’n.t ’Ta.ilox A fine as-*ortm€nt of American, Eogiish and Scotch Cioths on hand gncd work and & F1RST , CLASS fit guarauteed ClotheseaecIdn & repaired jy71m SAM TEE HOP, No. 562 King Street, Dealer in C*lifornia and Hawaiian Fraits aud Vegetihlea. Gaavt JoiIv, Tea and Grnand CoiTee, Cigarsetc. iy*° A. G. CORREA, EyATTOK>EY at 307 M»Tchant Street, Uoaolulu. Jjr»