Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
London, July 19 Thedelegates to the l«te Ottawa Conference are visiting Quebec. Thoy have been accorded a splendid reception. Syduey, July 19. £ln returniug tbanks to the e’ectors of St. Leonards last night, Sir Henry Parkes said he regarded the rosnlt of tho eleelion as a triumph for a great cause. If the new Pailiamenl lasted half of its allotted life, it wonld be untrue to the electors and to Auatralian nationality if it did not see that the great cause of federation wns brought into the field of practical politics and dealt \fith eriectively. The bill introduoed into the House of Lords by the Marquis of Salisbury to exelude destitute uliena from Great Britain, and to expel foreign snbjects implicated in any plot, has passed its second re«ding by a majority of 53The bill to allow women to sit in the House of Representatives in New Zealand has been shelved. In consequence of repectod slights at the hands of the Natioualists, Mr. John Morley is likely to resign his poaiiion aa Chairman of tbe Iriab Land Acts Committee. On Monday the Archbishop of Canterbury performed tbe ceremony of christening the son oi tbe Duke and Duchess of York, in the presence cf her Majesty tbe Queeu. )Tbe iofant prince was named Edw«rd Albert. Qne o( the moslextensive snowstorms experienced in the co!ony for several yeara occurred yeater day. It extendeti for fuliy 500 miles, covering the M'ealen s!opes from Kiandra in ihe soatt to Glen Innea in the far norib an avarage in thickness from ‘2ft. 9in. to 3in. The general eleeiioo was hele | yesterd«y, At «n early hour thi: morning retarns showed that foi I0S electorates 53 freetraders, 21 protectionists,20 labour members | aad oue independent member ha< I been returned. SJir Henry Parkes receiyed 102« 1 Totes at St Lconards,anddefeat ed Mr. Ciark by 203 Totes. At 8t Petersburg on Frida; 50 peraooa died o( choiera, an< en SaturdajTS9 penoiia fell «o | tims to that epiiiemie.