Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 ʻAukake 1894 — A Grand Success. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Grand Success.

If tbe Scottisb Tbistle Clob coationes it» social work m tbe line as w*s demoastrnted l&st , night, it will bocome tbe most popnlap organization The eoncert was excellent and tbe itnprompta dtnce fo)lowing it was thorongbly enjoyed by all present. Chief Logan has covered bimself with glory and all present are clamoring for an encore. The following was the programme: Opening Bema.rk« Chie( Logu Kaeo SoIo S«l*ie MeLennan Song Bobert , Eeeiuiion Mrs. Dr. MeLennan Fiute Sok> L. Barsotti Instramectal Dnet. .Eiim&a an<i J. PoUoek Ventriloqnism Dr. Moore Bells and EoU’ea W. B. Aah Violin Solo James Lk>rd Song Ge<jrge Ritman Indian Clnb Exhibstion B. L. Pinnee Topift«l 8ong Ch«ter A. Dojle Ooanna Solo—5W)ttish Airs Jas. Polloek , Pro(. H. Berger, Accomj>atnst. THE JUBILEE CONCERT. Tonigbt the combined bands and other niosicians will render the foilo\ving pn*grtmme: PABT 1. ; HAWAIUN EANO. I. Msrch —*‘The Hawaiiau Hotel” (uew) Berger 2. Orertare—“Willimi TelT’ Bossiai ma\sekchor h\hmonv. 3. (o) “Baukett Lider'* 8tnn* j (4 1 “Der Tag <b\s Hem” Krentaer r. h. s. pinuir>Ei.PB!A bam>. 4. Selection—‘*Robin Hood’’.. .De Koven 3. Wnlu—"On the Monutaiu8”.. Kaulieh HAWAIIAN QC1 snm C1XB. 6. fo' “Like no a Like” (4) ‘<Ninipo Uoonipo e ke Aloha” («) ‘ ‘Aloha Oe, Aloha Oe” PAET II. BT THE OOMBINEJ) EANU8. 7. M.irch—“The U. S. S. Philadelphia” Berger 8. Overture —"The Light Cavalry'’ t>iyip« 9. Selectio.i—“Reoollections o( the War” Beyer 10. March—"\Vashington Post” Souza •‘The Star Spangled Bauner.” "Hawaii Pouoi.”