Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 180, 4 August 1894 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]

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Church Services.

Tho servicos of tbo Second ConRrop;!ition of St. Andrew’s Cathedral tomorrow (Sunday)will j 1)6 as (ollowe: 9:4ō n.m., mornt ing prayer, \vith aonnon; Kyril uud Sanctns,Maunder in G;hymns 317 and ‘213; Nune Dimittis, Ueothoveu, in B llat. G:30 p. m. •vensoog with aenuon. Maguifioat, vlibbons, in E; Nuue Dimittis, Boyco. in C; anthem, ‘'Lord, Wo Bray Theo,” Roberts hyrans Ō4H and ‘23. Hev. AIexander Maekintosli, pastor- All are cordially ipvited. The servicos of the Catbodntl Congregatiou of St. Andrew s Cathedral for tomorrow aro as (ollows: 6:30 a. m., Holy Communion; 11 a. m., Holy : eommuuiou and aormon;3;30 p m. eveusoug and sermon,(Hawaiiau) 7.;30 p. m. Evensong and aenuon. j Rev. Dr. renrose will preach in the Ceutral Uni»n Charch : mornmg aml evouiug. All aro cordially invited to attond. Sundav School ut 9;45 a.m., j Tho Young People’s Society of Christiau Endeavor will meet at 6;30 p.m. Strangers coniially iuviied to all sorvices. Snnday, 11 a.m., at Oahu Jail; 1:15 p.m.. at tho Barracks; 3.30 p.m., Bible study at M. C, A.; 6:30 p.m., Ooapol praiso sorvioe at Y. M. C. A. Tuesday, 7:30 p m., prayer meetiug at Y. M. C. A. Reorgani?.od Church of Jesus Ghrist of Latter Day SainUr Mililaui Hall, rear of Opera House. Services will bo held ou Sunday as follow«r 10 a.m., Bibl« class; 11:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, Oituous in Mauoa Valley are eomplainiog loudly against the miserable roads whieh the present goveru meut has otferod tbem. Tho smart rcad-supervisor seems to bave a grudge against tbe Mapo* people and he has ponseqoentlv plo'ighed the road anj le(t the taxpayors iu that quarter to sutlcr (rom dust or mud It sa pity Mr. Dole hasn’t got some pears up thal way. If he bad tbe Manoa road might be as good as the Pauoa. g*r Ir Yo k Houss «*u IX)G is aiek send Ihem at onee totJ05 Strect- Tho only Ycterinary Infirmary in the Eepuhlie (ully t*qoipped with modern applianees and skillfull avtendants. augl-lm