Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — “UNEASY LIES THE HEAD.” [ARTICLE]

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Since Mr. Dole’s assamption of iiu{>eria] functious iu our little i Island realm, Le does not sleep 1 well o'nigbts. if damo ramor speaks trulv. That garrulons ' vixen also says he does not sleep i ' two consecutive nights in the same plaee. It is a factobserved of all that his residence is strong* I ly guarded. day and night. These facts are most eloquently in sapport (?) of the pretension that this is a repnblic and that Mr. | Dole occupies his present posi- i tion by the will of tbe people. A “«pahlio” resting on bayonets in tbe bands ol aliens. This is . tbe fixtnre, the gi%at and good Mr. ■ Doie bas given ns. Hoo-ray for ; Dole aud bis Eepuhlie! _____________ 1