Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 ʻAukake 1894 — WILL HE DISCOUNT? [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TIk* f«>tlowing lett«*r *;is pie-k-ed np la»t n’ght «»n the wharf sh rtly aft*'r tb«* dejwrture of 11 e M-mowai '1 lie uwner oaii have it by pr> ving properly—»nd re- > dnc ag r*'ut. We hope that onr re«ders ean anderstand the jargoo ased by the writer. He says: “Mem dear Fr. Moses! I sees that the gime was up mit voo folks. Now 1 never before onee saw yoo afraid of listening to one proposition -end I speaks plain basiuess to you. So hellup me Abrah.nn, I was a poor man bat nevertbeless I most make a dollur or two. Now, brother Fr. M<>ses. yoa and me has done lots * f go<*’.l business mit eaeh other. Webave hellupe*! the Schpreckelses and we have got even mit others christians mOney lo«ners Yoa hnve had yuur schare Fr. Moses and 1 was had mine, but now yoa must eome mit me in a schtraight deal. Dole is going mit de corner heram. His name wash mud‘. But I hear frora roy private friendsh. and you know. Moses, how >chnre the are tliat you, fre iud is to be let dow easy. I now otfer him to pay his salary at a very mild dishcouut — So hellup me Gott I caut do better. He wus good sixsh years more whieh means ?72,000 mit the incidentals. He’s spent bis salaiy like a Christian Ho puts it in the Riverside Farm iu California, and shinks that yellow orangeshs was us good as yellow dollars. Ha ! Ha ! Hah ! Before he gets moro raoney in the Riverside aiul in his orangshes yon tell him ouee that 1 pays him cash dowu, aud Fr. Moses, your commis$ion was there, one good sum on his salary and he draws him in advance. You know he has got to g i rait a short turn heraus. You can’t save Iihu, I can’t. Now let him forget his * stolen j>ears, I pay him myself that three dollars and let him sell his chauces--and by Eva’s dress-suit and the other prophets, they are slimmer than the beard of n liar. I pives bim $4,000. (four thousacds) dollars cash good yellow eoin aud ven>’ few was bad aml I takes my chances i mit the Queen’s government and the uext legislature aud no admiml. Let the Philadelphia go aud by the holy poker some of them owes me lots of money, but let me get one ahow ou making 1 one commission on Dole’s shalaj ry. True Moses, so hellup me job, your commis8ion is sure. 1 ean- . uot gives it to you now, because I am like that Christian who also dishcounts, (his uame waa Lhuuing) und who might want to take up my chances. Moses ! I gives vou more than anybody before you give me the dishcouut ou his abalary. Big procentage, Big Comulissiou; your friend (confideutial). Solomon Gedalia. P S. who lost his socks ! I