Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NEWSPAPERS asd PERI0D1CALS by evenincoming steamer. SubscriptioDā Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. Tbis Maehine is tbe King of all. On it you ean make a Loek- ( i stitcb, Cuain-stitch. Embroiderv, button-holes, Ruffles, Tucbs. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. Stationery anJ Blank Books at J3t'Cash Pkices. HanJ Sewing Macbines from eight dollars anJ a half np. [jy27 T. H. Hayies & Co., ; Liraited. | Fresh Feed and Fiour ■ From WASH1NGT0N. ‘ Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVHddlings, / Bran, Per “Warrimoo,” Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, To Hand. roR Bailey Honoiulu Made Wlre Voven Matresses ana Hammocks ij24 Tal Wo Wlng Kee Co. » NUUAN'U 8TR£TT ' De Jera in LaJies’ A Geots’ Bjota and Shoes made to order. PO &oxsrr Jy*