Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BRUCE CARTWRICHT ol a FVinci*ry X*rnrt Tr&Xb>acted. Prosnpt &tt«ntk>Q giTen to Ihe m»aag | ein«nt at £at&te*, G tardun&bip«. TrasU. ete., etc., etc. Otnc*s, : Ca.iwright BuUd\ng, 1 MercbanS Strt*U Hooolnla H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee j Roasters AM) Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street. - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Sbips supplie«l with choicest _ Eumpean & A nierican Grocerie* California Produce by Ever3 T Steamer. Merchant Exchange Corner King ana Nuuanu Streets. S. I. SHA\V Proprietor. TLe Finest selection of LIQUORS and ' CE£R, aold anywLere iu the town. First-class attendance. Call and judge i forvourself. no 113—1£. LEWIS & C0. • ! Wholesale and Retaii Gro AND PROVI8ION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8an Francisco Steamer Salt Salmon in Babrels a Specialtt. iii Fori Sl., Honolmlu. Tei. 240, 1 P O. Box 297. 1 I CAUFQRNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OP WINE8, and I SPIRITS 1 VldT0I$ l(iding paVilioi) ’j i HotcI and Bethel St» | W1 Iw CM for 2 Weets On aoeounk of departure for Waiauae with Phonograpb, : Jy 19 J. A: \TCTOR. Prop T r. {ffotional Iron Wo Qcekn Street, I Between Alakea & Richard Sts. i T HE UNDEBSIOXED »rc pwp*wd to mak« fdl kinda ot Iron Bnaa. Broozc, Zinc, Tin and Lead C**tiag». Ako I General Eepaii Sbop ior Steom £Bginea, 1 Eieeililla, Con Milk, i WaUr Wheela. Wind Miila, etc. i lor tbe deening of OoOee, CeMor Oila, Eeena, Eaaūe, Swal, pūuappie Leevee k oth«r FSbron« FlaBta, And Paper ato<k i ai«o MiekiaH lor Extzaeting St*rch fioa Um Manioe, Anow Root, «tc. CF* All promp*ly aUaaded to. £ 1 WHITE, RITMAN <5t CO,