Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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19 i’UBLI8HED Kvcrv Afternoon EXCF.rT 80*D1T BT THE Holomua PublishingCo. At KingSt. (’rhomas block), Honolula, H. I. STJBSCSIPTI02T, T*r Month, 50 Ow. The p*i~r t« d«liTer<sl hj C*rrier» in th« U,wn *na Smri* Copei tor bnte *t tī»c N«w* I>eakw »u«t Umee of poV>lir«tion. EomuNO Norrie. * * £dit°r GEORGE E. SMITHIES - Manager NOTICE. All Bnslne«w Commuclo*tioii* abottl<i be *ddre*»o4 to ti*»rge E Smithies Honolulu, U. I. Oonewponaenee anel OommumeaOon» for puWieaUon abonld V» addrwmed to the Editor llawaii Holomna. No notioe will be p*id U> huy aDonymonf* ooinniunieaūonn. liujsiness Cards VOLNEY V. A8HFOBD. Attorney au»l Coansolor ;it Law. Olhee. Site o( the 01.1 Bethel— West Corner of King and Bethel StrecLs. j>*2l A. P. PETERSON, attobkey at law. OfBoe; 113 Kaahnmann Strect, Honolulu Hawaiian Ial*nd8. — — I CHARLES CBEIGHTON, attounei at law. Office: 113 K**hnm*nn Htreet, Honoluln Hawaiian Ialand*. paul neumann. ATTOBNEY AT LAW. 314 Merch»ut Stroot. Honolula, Mutual Tolephono 415. CLAHENCE W. ASHFORD, attouney AND OOUN8ELIX)K at LAW. Office. 01d Capitol ltnildinR, (Honolnin Hale), aaioining l'ost Officc, Uonoluln. A. ROSA, attokney at l.vw, No. 15 Kaahnmanu8t.,HonolttIa, Hawaiiau Islands. H. F. BEI1TELMANN, OONTKACTOB AND BUILDER, 86 King St.. Bell Telephoue 107. F. H. REDWARD, OONTRACTOB *?«o UUU^EK. No. 506 King Street. Honolulu. Hawaiian lslands. WILLIAM F06TER. atorney at law & kotaet fublic. Honolulu, H. 1., 13 Kaahumanu 8trcet. JyI4-4 A. G. eOHKEA, |#“ATTORNlT AT LAW.j£| 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. J.v2J iuvn» daitojt, Agent to Take AcknowletlgmenLs. Will Attend to Man»gement and Salc of Property—Colleotion iu All lts Branches. OfBco No. 42 Mercbant Street; Mutual Telephoue 380. jy23 A. S. MEDEIROS Ā CO.. Merchant Tailore. Amehean. Enghsh and Hooloh Tweed» oa h*nd. Ptret-cl*as work gn*r*nt«ed. Hotel 8t., nnd*r,ArlingtoB Hotel, Honoluh jy 17-lmon. CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAJRRLAGES, AT ALL UOU«S. Both Telephonee No. 113. J. 8. AN DRADE, Man»ger. june I6*tt