Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GOHSAIVES K q«t om EUo«) a S«pplj of tk V«r 3oa la C*«9 of e. 3«. « *nd T0 Bari «ehe j THIS SOAP IS THE I Pinest Imported Here. SPEC1AL PKICES FOR v CA?F> IN U>TS .!,& 4 CI»IFSi Cetebrated Brands of SCOT(’H WHISREY BH\ ALDOCHLA.\, Ainsley's OLD Blendetl Glenlivet :NLION, Extra. Spt-cial 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LlOl'EL'K ■*w SC0TCH WH1SK.EY. , w !r r J e jr23 POUXD MASTEH’S XOTICE. Kotice is hereliy given to ail person» that there are at the Goremuient Ponml at Makiki, £our strayed horses. 1 poor red horse, white spots ou the forehean, back and on the left side; l>rand AF qneer brand on left hip: two hiad ielloekn whitc: 2 front hoofs sbod; one Waok mare. whito spot on forehe«d and back; brand, a heart; brand on loft hip not distinct; sore haek; one bay mare. white forehead; brand 2XMj; brands on left and right hips iudistinct: one bay horse, fore fetlock white; brand on right hip M.y; brand on left not plain. All pereons owning same arc rednestod to take tne same on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATUKDAY, AUG.4 1394. JAMES KUKONA, Pouud Ma»ter. Makiki, Jnly 21. 1894. jy21-dt
P. O. Box 209. 409 Nnuanu, St. S. YASUM0RI. MERCHANT TAILOK. . Dealer in Japanese Gooda, Boots and Shoes of Japanese make; Oheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE Sl >G KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITH, axd DEALER IN GLA8SI wxre, Crockerr, Coal-Oil StoT««. Water Pots—Plnmbing in All Its Branches Faithfully Esecnted. Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits ānd Groceries. Fresb Fruita by Every CaIifornia Steamer, Eresh Island Bntter from Hawaii. 13ō Fort Street. Cott'ee Roasted. P 0- Box 169 Fresb Island Produce, Goods Delivered to Anv Part of the City, ’ jy21 * SL\G YLE\ KEE, TINSM1TH and DEALER IN TIN\VARE. Piping Laid and Repairtd. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. - Call and See Us. No. 22*2 Maunakea St., llonolulu. jy20 Im «ITOHAN,” i am) DEVLEB ES GENERAL |MP0BTER axo DEVLEE EN OENEKAL I M«rchAmlis«. Et.'lnsiTely of Jspan«se ManalActure—WHOLE&ALE A RETAIL. MA&alactnre — WHOI.ES\LE 3W *ad 306 Fort Street. P. 0. Box 116 Mataal Tele. 392. jyl9 \ fl£W the ilawo Hcsneer Semce L. M. Jomt30N, Mauager Xataal Tei 599 BeH Tel 559 OrriCE in VASONIC BUILDING We are prejjaml to farnwh aniforoMd me» at ail boors. Proaptncsa »nd «aiUf*i:tion nareatecd. You no$ 04 ap »ad w« wOl do thc reat I Honriy nues 40 eml». For di4tuce r»te4 4«e Wmmm§ *n Mip jy5 te