Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DA1X11T0N Holel Strot [A.rlmgU*n Hl k] The *boT« Storr h»« receiTed auolhei 1 atst l’ vcn<* of JaPANESE 3 ! LK. ; ANCY pOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —co«rRisi!«c— BE\UTIFCL SILK A N l) CR APE. Gor«l« in al! jAain acd Cn«bioB*, T*ble CoT«rs, v IW<lCoTeni, (iown*, eheoiūae*, HhawU. Silli (’i“a|ie Haiiiliow Silks, AU Color» Fancy Drmperie«, E1BR0IDERED HANDRERCH1EFS DoiIlies Scarfs Sd«iie*i, Jui ketfc, Cn]«, Etc.. Etc. X()VKi;riKS: | l,e Prioe«of theae (l«xxl» wili astoui»h yon including ELEŪANI SILK KIMŪN08! Hand»onie Cigarette Ca»es, Pin Cashion8, Silk Tea Cos*ie8, I.AKUK IM» SMILL HPUENE Kl«S Silk Cnibrell*8, liRht but strong; <'hair Saddlee. Silk; Ihimhoo Bhnd», tit!ed with pulley»; 8ilk Laiu)) Shades, new style. J AI'ANKNK s('KKKNS, trom 93 fp. LlKllE JIPINE.sk HHKELLI8 C»n l>e 8et with Pole in the ground, niee tor Pieuie» or Lunehea ont of doon», they ean be opened out or n»ed a» a tent. CO'ITON CRAPKS 1N UUKAT VARIKTV |TP"ln»l>eclion Ke«i>eotfuUy Inrited. Mks. J.P.P. CAL^At’0, Aroj)ritlregs. Ai>rl2-3ui8 JUST ARRIVED, q BABY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, k IS THE LATEST PATTERKS. “,HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hanp Sewtxg Machixss, * C|T.V11 With the L*te«t lBipn>r«neot»'W3 PARLOR Orsraiis, Gruitai'*r Aad Other Music*J Instrumeo k \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 OK HANO. AXP FOB SALE £T ED, H0FF8GHLAEGEB 4 C0. King St.. oppo. Castie A Oooke'* TO JLET or LEAME. Ahooee on King 8U«et nexi to T. ee’» pmniee oonteiaing p*rior, room end Uuee bedroon>». besidee 1 biUifoott aUUok Aod ill moderB eooee—leUly oocupied br Mr. Reat mMemie to zespoimble perty. jyl« AB&AHAM FEBKAK1>ZZ.