Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Benson. Smith & Co., T|ie Corncr DRUG STORE Pnre Dru<^, True Perfumes, Prompt A.itention, Low Pinee^ Comer Foi*t Ā: Hotel St>. aui SWill on AUOL'ST l«t Remove from his preseut etore on Hotel str?et, to the plaoe formerly oeeupieil br Benson, Smith Co., on Fort street. After I jjet $ettle«l it will be to rour adr«ntage to notes ihe prices. et<-., that will appear in eolumn P. 0. Box 4S0. Miīi’ai. TelefHoxk ‘245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fmitnre - 1S xVT THE CORNF.K OF King &. Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiuiu h. i. ir» Long Branch -8ATHmGEstablishment. This First-Class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public, It 5s the best plaee on the islands to enjor a Bath. and there ia no better ulaee to Iay off. Special accommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door erery half hour, and on Saturdays and 8undays every fifleen muuiie». C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. X«TICK. FROM THIS DATE. B. F. MOFFACKER ia alone antborized to dnw dr»ft or to gve ord«rs for mercbaodiAe or nnpphen on ibaif of the H awaiian Commercud ami Sogar Company. Capt. Wm. Davies, • FOK. An3* Port or LaiKling in tlie liawaiian lalaiKla Steamer Waimanalo will run regulat to Waianae, Waialua and Way Landing. Inqnire at ofBce of J. S. Walkkk orer Spreckel’s Bank. feb U t f. NOTICE TO Visitors ; Pieme Parties. Laaos —AND—OENEKAL PUBLICI THE HAWAIIAN CA>MMKRCIAL 8UGAR OOMPAN Y AKD C. A. S»B ia5, Oeoenl Mam>ger. Jyl7-2w Y0K0HAMA At Smith’s BfS ASU Liveky Stable, Kisq Stbeet. [Adjoining Metrcpolitai> Me«t Market.] U tbe Cbeape*t PUee urTown yon ean get Wagonetiea. B'iggies and 8addle Hotm9. It will pay y«o to caB and aee before yoo try elaewhere. JCJT Mutual Te!ephone 408 aogl-tf Wiil CfeaJb HO. XUUAXU »TREET. HOXOLULU — Corner oL—HOTEL & NUUANU &rs. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, Window CurUins, Str«w Hats, Pana, Irntenis, BaskeU. ali s<rta; Disbes. Tea and Breakfist Sete, Trays, Flo«er Pola, S.;k B dquills, Bamb<to Screer.a, Neek t:es, Silk and Crepe Shirts, J ipiurse Toys. Japanese Prori8ioi;s bv the wholeaale. jy2S MŪRATA & CO. CiTIX KEE. UOR8ESHOElNG SHOP, Mauuakea a Pauahi Slreet. Xew aet ali ra»ad f 1 30 Oid aat aii raoad } 00 Xext Door to So. 5 Cogiae Hoow. ILJIexc32LSixxt Tailox A fine assortment of Amenean, Engti»h and Sc>tch Cloths on hainl g-n’d work and & F1RST CLAS8 tit guoraiiteed CIothe9eaecIdn A repaiml jyTlm SAM TEE HOP, No. 552 King Street. Dealer i California aud Hawaiian Frnii and Veget'blea. Guava Jelb Tea and Cotfee, CigHrseb jy20 KENGLUN, PH0T06RAPHEB. Nuuanu and Paoahi Cabiuets 13.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Fer 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 |5,50 Per Doaon. “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Doz©a. Dry Goods ard Chinese Silks. ' jr»