Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Club Stables Company, - $. F. ({paham, Manager Livery and Feed Stables, FORT STREET, between Hotel an«l Beretania Streets, Honolulu. Both TeIephones .... jy23 Im PIONEEH St§am CANDY Factory, B.i M KRV anil Ice Cream Parlors 1 HORN m m 1863 1894 P w PRACT1CAI, CONFEC TIONEH AN T n ORNAMENTER In all brauehea o/ ihe bv*infss on iglands. Amerlc»n. German and Frcnch PASTRIES Madc to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING C.VKES M«de of tlie Very Best Matcrial and at Keaaonahle Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcays on Iīand. ALL COXFECTI«XER¥ Manufactured at My Establi»!inieut Are Guaranteed to bc PositiveIy Pure and Sold at Prices no otber est*bUshment ean competc with, &T FACTORY ASD STORE, No. TI Ilolel Strcet, Honolulu. Both Telephones No. 74. jv20 TO LET. gJĒP A Large Parlor Bedroom, King Street, next door to Jnhn F. Bowlers residence. Jnquireof jy27 10t Mbs. BAILEY. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AXD HOTKL STS. Heafianarters EDterprīse Brewim Co. TĪ!E Largest Con3ignment of Beer that ever arrived here, no7r on Drauglit J. DODD, Prop’r h\ 6EHTZ, BOOT axd 8HOEMAKEK l Rrpairing Xea(ly l>one. Oppo*ite ti*e CiubSUbles. Fort Strcet. and «iU be gUd to see bb otd friend*. myT tf WxV x\TED! FCRXlTVRE, DISHES. GLA3SWARE. Oloek*. tV»tcbes, Jew»liy, OM 60U aad SBver. and er«rythinj£ boagbt and «oW at 114 Kīng 8tieet, corner of Aiahea. Jj® AD’11 \ 1HTR IT«R S \OTICE. THE CXDEESXGXED having heen appomted A in.iuVsiraSor of ihe Es.tal P AHIA KaL'H k. of ilokae. Han*. ' deee«aed, ».n!J heK»ith give eotior to penou» aeeennu againot ihe rtt*!e to p*e*ent tb«a to him. «w\>ru to. vitfeio sii moalka frum d LereuL or tixj *.U be Lnm h*md ali penona o»ing tbe eud «bt« aie reqae«tod (o vcuie lunhwuh. M. H. R£UTEH, Admir.totratcr ol th* EaUU of Pahū Haaa, 7tfe, 18M. jyHm