Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FOR SALE " REHT. i Piien, I Oiy»n and Sewing M-ehine inqu'r? of ». w. arBt.pt BereUnia street. GU5T. A. MAI EK. HAWAIIAS HOTEL BARBER La>lie* Sfutmpooing a *pecialty au4 Monolulu lo\/eJoy &co Wiqe \ ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands % Longlife Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottles Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABL1SHE£> I->ST. j A. M. MEI.LI8, Proprietor, 518 Fort 8t., (Ui»t»irs. v Honolnlu, Good Fit. i i — — Fenian(les & Gomes i WHOLE8ALE Californ!a Wines and 8pirits, No. 502 Fort St.. Honolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 43G. Mulual Tele. 140. 2m New Japan ]\Xarket. 30'7 Maunakea Street. Fresh Meat on L:e 4 Pound 25Cts. Sugl’KI, Manacer. augl CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mcluerny Block. JOBBEKS OF Wljsrii:s, and SPIRITS VlCT0i$ I(iding p&Vi!ioq % Hotel and Bethel Sts ir; Sf 9 W, l On account of depnrture for Waianae with Phonograpb, J. A: VICTOR. Prop r. LEWIS & eo. . Whoiesaie and Retaii Gro Asn PROVISION DEALERS. i ! FRESRCALff0RNU8AlM0N0NICE By Erery 8*n Francisoo Steamer • Salt Saucon ix Barrels a Specialty. ’ /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, p O. Box 297. I Anchor-:-Saloon • I ‘I Ex “AUSTRALIA,” • I Another Invoice of the W orld • Renowned FREOERICKSBURG i LAGER BEER I 1 Oq draught and by the keg. AJso, as a Specialty, a Small Fresh Cauforhia Ij 0YSTERS t l FOH COCKTAILS msyl 3w