Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — An Island Boy. [ARTICLE]

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An Island Boy.

l W. H. Coinwell, the son of Oolonel Cornwell of Wailuku, 1 Maui, is at presont studying at [ the Kings College. Englaud. Young Billy bas tangbt the otber yougsters how to 'pl«y baseball ! and reiuarkably to say has suc- . | ceded in muking tbe popular ) American garae, a favorite among : bis British friends. The rep>ort : of the ehampion game is ratber | amusing; while the English boys ovidently were ste:iming around woriyiag over the immaenlale . j “whiteness” of their tronsers, | oor yonng fellow citizen “slid'’ from base to base—on his base, and made Lis team win the game ’ besides being considered a phenomenal player. As an athlet young Cornwell was equally to the front; aod while £ngland beat America in tbe contest be- * tween Tale and Oxford, Hawaii ’ beat King s College in jumping, ronning and otbor featores. When Mr. Cornwell retorns to lulu after nnishiog his studies, we hope that he will show the - bovs here tbat he ean matcb them in any sport—in fact sbow bimself as an all roond * sport" like bis “daddy.'’ -