Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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[\Ve <to not hnld onrst lrcs responsible for tbe opinionē or the utterances of cur corres(<ondent8.] Editok Holomua; Tbe compositiun and geueral make upof the daisy editor of the Star— seera8 to be composed of lies, vituperatiou an l lickspittle. Trace his writiugs bnck from tbe 17tb of January, 1893, to tbe prcsent time-wben we defy even the good and very trutbful Sereno bimself, to prove auytbing wbatever to tbe ooutrary. His late exploitat liokspittle. is in covering the arcb friend Johu L. Stevens witb slobber from bead to heel. But it will be iraposaible ; for bim to cover from sigbt tbe naked, oraveu, guilty soul of Steveus, who when given in bis false evidence before the senate —broke down audblubbered like a wbipped soboolboy—for tbe purposo cf gaiuing sympatby from tbe seuate. Tbe faot is, Steveus like bis prototypes bere, is totally devoid of either ooneeienee or sbame. He proved himself before tbe senate to be au uctor of a migbty low quality, and tbo twinkler editors are bis mouutebanks. Tbere is oue editorial writer for tbe Star, wbo oannot bide the cloven foot —a» his old churobiauity venbm is too prominent. Memohahilia. [Kenebec Journal and Friend, please copy.] - ■■ - - — » * *~