Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Hawaii Remembered. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaii Remembered.

Mrs. Guus delivered a lectnre last evening in Motropolitau Hall to tbe Californiu Cumera Club aud tbeir friends. Her snbject wus tbo Hawaiian islands, and it is not aaying too raucb toexpress tbe opinion tbat so beautifully illustrated aiul tborougbly interesting a lecture bas seldora if ever been beard in this city on kanaka land. Tbe lecturer spent little time on tbo beaten patbs. toucbed on tbe food, babits of lifo of tbe natives, aud then, carried ber beurers rigbt tbrougb tbe islands, displaying on tbe screen and in clever descriptive parngraphs tbe seenic wonders of tbe bulf way bouso of tbe Pacific oeean. Many of tbe views were boautifully <?olored, tbose of tbe dense fo!iage and feru fore»ts of tbe volcanoes aml great mountaius boing particularly fiue. In tbe iutervals of tbe lecture, Miss llosine sang tbe “Arrow and tbo Soug,’ and M illiam Hallett reudered a baritone solo, “Day Dreams.” Botb singers atTorded mueh pleasure. Tbe hall was packed to its fullest capaoity. Fiftv-two tbousand dollars iu •** , go:d ooio was one of ibe pnuoip al itcms of im{>ort from tbe Coast. The Saus Souci Hotel will eontinue altbougb Mr. T. Simpsou has resignod his position as manager. Tbo steamer Arawa is reported to be a daylate in leaving, tberofore sbe is not due bere uutil tbis evening. There is a big fisbing-party sportingin tbo sea this afternoon on tbe otbor side of Dimond Head, Opium is eheap. Mr. Carl Widemann is still visiting in Hawaii. If a boat 1 r»<*« is really arrangeil be may be induced to turn up. Qu'\ie a number of revolutionaTv “kids” returned by the ‘ steamer restervlay. Tbey all look hale and bearty. Mr. Walter M. Gitfard secretary of W. G. Irwin A Co. retnrned to his is!and home yesterday b_v tbe stearaer Monowai. Tbe ooncert and dance at tbe i Scotch Tbistle Cfub takes plaee tonigbt. Tbe evcnts are ,num«rous and will prove interesting. “Greek George” a noted strong man, wrestler and atblete, arrived by tbe Monowai, and will probably give exhibitions in the near fqjure. gj0" Ir Vqir Horse or Doo is sick send ihem at on - e to 205 King Street. Tbe only Veter inary Infirmary in tbe Republic £ully cquipi>etl with modcrn «ppln<uces and-s\illfull aitendaut<>. augl-lin Tbe Oalilomian papers eontained veiy little news about i Hawaii. Tbey are evidently j tired of printing the state lies o£ : Johnstone—Bisbop A Co. The i Sew York HemUi had a good correapondence.