Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Where is the Arawa? The Monowai brought no bad news. The MAKABLE 5:7 1/2 R.W.G. meet to-night The registration list has not yet reached the 600 mark. The KEKAINA X.B. Mai Poina to-morrow at the usual place. The philadelphia will probably leave Honolulu next Sunday The presidential side of Emma street is closed to public travel. The Scheuten club will hold a special meeting this evening. The Hawaiian Band played at the Kinau wharf this afternoon The Kinau left this afternoon carrying a large number of passengers. The famous Hoog's party left for the volcano to-day on the Kinau. Berger's jubilee will be eelebrated tomorrow evening at the Hotel. The steamer Monowai left for the Colonies at 9 o'clock last night. Mr. J. McCandless will not leave for the Coast by the steamer; Arawa. The dinner at the Hotel tomorrow evening will be well patronized J.J. Williams has recovered from his long continued attack of la grippe. Examination of teachers for advanced certificates is in proguess today at the Fort street school house. There is no promise from the League managers of a base-ball game tomorrow afternoon The steamer Monowai brought 95 packages of returned exhibits from the mid winter fuke.