Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CITY DRAYAGE C0. ?»taiDd: Q ie«n and F«>rt 3lr*«ta. White «nd Bisck Dr«jing l>>ne at Bmon«l'lt K*tes. W F SHAKRrtT MACHINE MADE 3P O I! FACTORY, : : KALIHI. Taro PlanU«, Fresh Tops »r,«I R*ir T*ru at ail tiroes. King Up Mutual Telepbone 577. BeII 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Man«ger. RlMi I P Min \L TEIX sr* NIEPERS Baggage Expres«. U(Bce. F«>rt St„ H I Baggage and Furniture Car\>fully H«nd!eti and IVlivered at Short Sotice to AU Parts oi the Citj. Stand on C«>r. of Fort Queen Sts. iF» ttT FOSTPONED. Auction S*ale «t Iliee PIantatation at AA’aikiki-kai. l.-H'cr*uan of tn*:r'.: ! - (K:n ■ ' N of F. >4. I‘;*nvl »f Oahu, H. I.. thc m n»D»i in i \'hatlle Mortgsc>'. execBt«?d by CHBOXU KIM TAI. aate«l Oct.-ber 5NM1, an.l rrv-»rJevl in Liher {«ae» 1 «hall «eil to the hi(»hr»l bid«lvn >l »n< tiou. ai iut >»lv ■« Kv>. en. Hoooiola. »■ S.\TfRl>AT :he Ūh Ja\ of A«g., i'W. »1 12 o*ol<»ck o on. Ihe fuIlo«in« j>ropert». rii: Tbe Rice Plantation. known a» th? iheou* Kim T«i. fortnerljr the Tee HopOo), Pl»nfat!oo. »t \V»ikiki-k»i. Honolalu. inoludiiuc »11 ieaae» of lamia rmbracovi th< rein, on «hieh <re vlwellinj hou-e, oathoo»«-«, lhre*hin< l!oor»n«l «rvjuipmcnta of a wrll conducted ri.v V<I»Dt«tion: al*<> »U the implemenl» of eulilv»Uon. hor»«'», waieon, etc. A »cbedule of thc lc«s< * »nd other prot>erty conccrned nur bo *cen »t ihe olUee <«f 0. W. A»lir«>kl>, Atlomev (or the Xortjpa«(ee. Term> of Salc, t*»'b. Deed* at csj* n* <t purrh».»cr. I>. .1. t>y, Auciionfcr . The abore ,«ale 1» |>o«tponcd to An<u*t t*h, !>v order <>! C. W. ASnFORI). Att.>rn Miirt<aj*rc. T. B. Murray I» Vt‘( t» l»e l'ounil On the Old Ntnu«l, Aio. K kiiig W.—IIK Kiininew ,m CARRIAGE AND iTP i fimrnn LIU.> }\A} twoew On. rr\Vhen the “PE0PLES’ PARTY” gets suia.she\l he will be ready to REPAIR. PAINT AND TR11 lī At a Reasonablo Figuro.— No Extra' Charge for FurnisLiiig them with Oommon Senso. LET THEM RING UP MUIUAL TELEPHONE .'72. jy21 6m City - Carriage M p’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEET D. BEJ\lT, Blacksmith Work ASD Carriage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TRIMMĪNG In all its Brancbes, at Be«l Rock Prices. Mulual Telephone 382 §0“ Gire ui a Call and judge for youreelf. jy23 CRITERION SAL00N, Weiiand • Extra • Pak I_iBgEr Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H- DEE, Prop’r