Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Proffrnmm«* of BICYCLE MEEI T*» he He*J On Saturday, Aug. 11th KAPIOI.ANI PAKK. 2:30 r m. sharp 1-Om M.;« D»sb. opea; Unkl. il;k D*sb. uotūv; SilreT Uedtl. 3 -One Q«sner Jl tie Daab. -pen; SUrer XedaL 4— Ooe H*U MĪW Diah, bor» 15 re*ri: S*lT«r Mnli!s; tir« snd secoa.l. 5— Om Hslf Mik' D.tsh, open; GdU lbU 6— MUe D»sh. thre« oūnnie cU»; SUtw Me*Ui. 7 —Thive Qoar5cr Mile Dash. opea: Gold MedaL » —Oae Mile Dssb, norioe; Silrvr M«*lals. £ntruice Fee (or Rrw Xos. I. 5 anA 7, $1.30: all otber», eatrance f 1. AU Entries to C1oee OS MOSDAY, Ang 6th, 12 noon, »t tbe oAe* o( H. E. WiJker, Merchmt Street, Honolnlu. GenerO Adcuissioa, 30 ete; Grand St»ml, extra, 25 cts; Qn»rter Stretch lUdges $2.tW eaeh; C»rriages iinside o( nu>* eourse $2.ōO. ir^ Unitecl : ~ Carriage Company, j M. REIS i J.C. OUINN —-^^90-—-" i3ĒS3i35. r 3Ēj3Ei'SE®S.'33 TO TI!E PVBLlC:—\t you »re thlnking j about »tiopping, c»tHiiir or taking in the I siirhtrīinr up 2Vk), when* you c»n obt»iu [ a tir»t-el».«' carriage with clep»nt hor»e* and ; a civil drivcr, or i( you ehoo»e to drivc your- | »elf. we ean accommodate you wilh i*tyli.»h ; Bugiriee. Ph»eton», Surrii > and W«gonette' We have for iivery hor*es thc tinost roadster» in the Kepnhiie. Our livery aorses comprise some of ihe weli known roadsters. «oeh a» the Gr»y-eagle, While-swan, Prinoe Mcnry, AI>adeUā, Koanoke, laidy Templeton, Stevewhipi>er and othors; a child ean drive mny of these hi>rses, bnt it takes a Kan«as cyclone to j pass one of 'M» on the ro»d. P*w further ; particulars, ring up 2U0, or eall at our !>t»nd j »nd office next to fe. O. Hall » 8on. jy 2»V K1J. C i?OAVE. i Home Siyn aml (Hnamental Painter. Mauufaoture of Liquid S!ating. ; 620 King Street. nugl pH£K gTHND. CORXEK OF Nuoanu and Beretauia Strcets. 561 / — Both Teleph©nes; —>, 561 GOOD, KELIAELE a.\d jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. Mutual Tkl. j66. F. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. 15 NwL*%nu Street, Honilulu, H. I., Commission Merchants, — IWPORITRS ASD DkM.EILS IX— Generai Merchandise. F;ne Manila Cigar*. Cbinrs« and Japane*e Crockcrvware. Mattings. - Vases ol »11 kind». Camphorwood Trunks, Katt«n Ch»irs. A FIne As«ortraent o( Dresa silk». Choieest Braud« of Chinese «nd Jap»nese Tea* of L»test lmportations faptrtion of Kew Goo<U/**pef(/ullg eoUeiU'l. jn1y6. Ohas. T. ōuliok NOTARY PUBLIC I For the Islaud of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknovrledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Gmnt Marriage Lieenses, Honolalu, Oahn. Agent for the Haw’n Lslands of j Pitt k Scott’s Freight and Purcels £xpress. • Agent for the Bnrlington Koale | Hwl £stata Broler aid&€ieral A^al; Bell Tel. 518; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFiCE: No. 38 MEP.CHANT Street Hnnoluln H * FOR One Marquee Tent. oew; Size 16x32 feel; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet i Roof 8 oz. Dnck; Polee, Pms, Ring B<ifter, etc. lnqnire ak the | HOLOilUA OFFlCE.