Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 170, 3 August 1894 — THEY FLOP. [ARTICLE]

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Th: Enminer wakes up Tbe full teit >'f c ti’*D of the new republic «>f H.iw*ii is at h«ml. aml \i Us īntere>tmg to see Low the various prob!ems presenieJ o_v tbe eon«liti n of the GovernmeQt antl peeple are solved. Tbe ‘‘God m the Constitation" agitators in this couDtry vonIJ be happy in Ujwaii. whose Govermnent bas illnstrated its mission*ry origin by makiug the naiue of God the very first word iu its new fand.»mental law. Tiie cunstitution begins; “God hath endowed all men wīth certain inalienable rights. a:nong whieh are life, liberty and the right of acqniring, p< ssessir.g anJ protecting property. and of pnrsning and obtaining happ ness.” At the bead of the new Government is a President, who is to be elected for six ye«rs by the Legislatare. But to prevent the natives from disturbing themselves prematurel\' over politics, the first Presidentiul eleotion is n *t to occor untii Septeiuber 15, 1900. Mr. Dole is declared President uow 1 , and he is to eonliuue to serve, without tlie formality of an election, nulil his successor has been dulv elected and qnalified. ' Tlie legislative power is vested in a Legislature and a Couucil of State. The tirst elccfion will bo he!d in September 1897, and in the mean time the preseut Advisory and Execntive Councils w ill kindly continne to do all the work of lawmaking that raay be required. When the countn’ begins holding e!ections, they will elect Senators and Representitives. Tbe'Senators, in addition to other qualifications, will have ; to be worth at lease $3,000 apieeo. ' clear of debts, or be in receipt of a mouey ineome oJ not less fhan 1 $1,200 a year, Representatives must be worth $1000 eaeh, or have an iueome ōf at least $600. To be ablo to vote for n Representative the elector must take this oath: I do solemnly swear (or aflirm) in the presence of Almighty God , that I will suppurt the Constitution, laws and Governinent of the Repub’ic of Hawaii, and will not either directly or iudirectly, euconrage or assist in the restoration or establishment of a monarchical forru of govornment in the Hawaiiaa islands. ,Besides taking theoatli the voter must have paid his taxes anel be able to speatc, read and write theEnglish Or Hawaiian language unless he has heretofore rendered valuab!e services to the Proviaipnal Government. Voters for Seaators must havo all the qaaIifications of voters for ; Representntives, and iu addition must owu real estate to tlie value jof at least $1,200, or personal property worth not less thau $3,000, or have a mouey iueome 1 of at least $600 a year. In the intervals betweeo tbe sessious of the Legislature appropriations to meet emergencies mav be made bv a Council of ** J State, consisting of fifteen members, of whom five are to be appointed by the Senate. five by the Honse and five by the President.