Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 ʻAukake 1894 — A MERRT-GO-ROUND. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


In Soper’s vindow on Merchant slreet ean be aeen a most beantiful circalar groap of tbe so-ctlIed Safetj Comniittee whieh I assisted Mr. Stereos in his litt!e : revolutionary scheme of 1893. i Tbe gentlemen who, on the pieture are surroanding Mr. Cooper, tbe ehainnan, present a reiy significant appearance. Commiesionots. explanations and letters | to the United States wonld have been nunecessary in excnsiog or ' explaining tbe landing of the Boston mea at the requestof that •• committee. The picture now ex1 hibited woald have fornisbed all the exp!anation needed. Oreat Scott! If ihoae were ihe eommiltee of safety, how mast the ,a othera" look? Mesa». Stevens aod Wilt*e are exonerated, and we take it all back.