Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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— [We (lo not ho!d onrselres responsib!e for tbe opinious or tlie utterances o( our correnpondents.] Editor Holo.mua: The Legislature of 1892, made an appropriatioa tor tbe use of tbe Bureau of Water Works, amounting to §78,750 to cover tbe ' followiug items: Repair of Reservoirs § 6,000 00 Creneral repair of ditto 10,000 00 Pumpiug Plant, appurtenauces aud eouueetions for Honolulu Water Works 50,000 00 Purcbase of Water Pipos 12,750 00 In the Eionuial Ueport of the Ministor of Einanee, submitted to the tax-payers on the lst of April, 1891, is to be found, that au expenditure of §9,428.19 has been made for “Repairs to Reservoirs.” Tbe RATE PAYERS, now demand to know wbat bas become of the unexpended balance. The RATE PAYERS, demand an eXplanation, and expect to know, why the provisions uuder sncb appropriation bave not been carried out. Tbe RATE PAYERS, demand to know, wby it is tbat advance pnyment of water rates is demanded, while no water is fur□isbed tbem iu return. Tbe RATE PAY’ERS, demand to know if the unexpended balauee of soch appropriation has been used towards tho “General Expenses of tbe Provisional Government.” Tbe total sum of the Appropriation Bill for the two years, ending March 31, 1894, was §3,778,558. The expenditures for the same penod amounted to $3,715,23*2. The reoeipts for the same period were $3,587,204. The Treasury halanee on March 31. 1892, was $312,141. Deduct from the Treasury halanee of April 1, 1894, the amonnl of the receipts of Crown Land rents, whieh amounted to $51,717, and whieh shotthi have been placed to special deposit, the troe halanee would be $13*2,380 instead of $184,113, as annonuced. RATE PAYERS. look at that; and pondex*. Observeb.