Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 ʻAukake 1894 — A PATENT CAD. [ARTICLE]
We do not generally devote anr of our space to notice the Star, ; or tbe iusults of its editor towards tb« Queen. Last night's report, tboagfa, of tfae concert at Wasbington Piaee, on the raorning of the 31st nlt is so out- | rageous that we consider it right to reprodnce it as a specimen of tbe tone of tbe paper whieh is presided ov«r Mr. J. B. Atbertoo, contributed to by Rev (?) S E. Bishop, and subsidized by the Pianters Labor and Sopp1y Company, of whieh W. O. Smitb is tbe secretary and virtually manager. The editor bimself, is the «x-protigee of ihe Mational Re- ; form party, » powerfal (!) anti-missionary of former days and a raan married into a Hawaiian family, always ready and always williug to accept in the raost rospectful manner, the kindness aud hospitality of the Qoeen. We beg oar readors to read for tbemselve« ihe foIIowing example of tbe Uct and good form of ihe Atberton-Johnstone combination. That ihe report is manufactared, and another Star
fake does not relieve the cad. who 1 pnhliaheu it from tbe etigma at | tacbed to bis aetion About 6:30, when tbe band boys were taking a short recess, they were summoned, by ihe grace of G«>d, t<> apj>ear before , “Her Majesty.” Mrs. Dominis, , in one of her private halls. The ( baud boys ff ed in. bat most of i the crowd wena exclnded. the ! planalion being tbat “We” desire to address the members of the b<nd who had been so faithful during tbe many montbs of thumb-sacking. lt was also whispered around that "Her Majesty’" had sometfaing important to commanicate to “Her” uīasiciaos And snch was Uie case. Clad iu an onpretentioos mom- i ing gown Madame Domtuis talked to the band boys. Sbe told tbem that she had received good news from Washington. A letter had eome bearing the intelligence i that she would soon De restored It was not a great way off. She bad known all along tbat it would eome in time Tben speaking dircctly to tbo band boys, she said: “Yon bavo eateu stones a long while. But still have patience. , Bear up, for your reward is near at band. You have stood firm for a long time, and will continue fiiitbfal a few d »ys raore.”