Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — REPUBLICANISM. [ARTICLE]
— The A'hrriiner is vory happy ; because an agitation is said to | have bteo started iu Louisiana tending to restrict tbe electoral francbise. As the Adverii»er is not quoting its autbority for tbe stutoment‘ we are unable to crltizise tbe (ruth of it. But, we must say tbat if a convention in Louiaiaua presumably elected by tbe people ever proposed or accepted an amenduent as tbe following, tbe members must be a great deal moro imheeile and incompetent tbaii tbe “delegates,” wbo framod tbe »o called constitutioo of tbe Hawaiian Republic—or rather adopted tbe cn(-and-dried instraraent presented to Ihein by tbe faraily compact. Tho most interesting in the amendment relating to tbe alleged restriction is tbe last. It rends; “He (tbe voter) sball be able to read tbe constitution of tbc Stato in bis mother tongue, or sball be tbe hona JuU owner of property, real or personal located in tbis Staie and assessed to bim for tbe year next preceding tbe election at a casb valuation of not less tban $200.” Now tbat is tbe clau.se whieh fills onr intelligent friend on Mercbant street witb entbasiasra. We beg to eall special attention to tbe or whieh makes tbe two qaalificutions mentioned optiouaI witb tbo voter. We honestlv tbougbt it sbould bave been an “and,” wheu we read the section, bnt by furtber penual wo found tbat the “restriction," simply means that a voter reust have either a property or an educational qaaIification. It meana tbat an ignorant or criminal cur who bas been able to swindle bis noigbbors of $200 wortb of property will be able in spite of his ignoranco to register and vote. The Adveriiser is cbarmed witb Uie edncatioual qualificatiou, and “bolieves that tbe time is not far off when, as inueh or raore will be required of every voter in the United States.” And at tbe same time tbe Louisiana statesmon propose, and tbo Adveriiser approves of an nmendmont whieh places the e<lucational qna!ification on a par with a trifiing property qnalification. An amendment that makes the possession of $200 worth of proj>erty equal to the knowledge, and education sufficieutly to vote intelligent. Verily, the republican ideas of the Advertiser aregetting more and more unique and iucomprehensible.