Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — THE DIFFERENCE. [ARTICLE]

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Our eslecm«tl raoruing eon- j tcraporary. gives an «breviated report tbis raorning of the di«euaaiou in the 8enate on tbe Ilawaiian reciprocity treaty. Aecordiug to Mr. Dolo’s organ Senator Morgan eulogized the president of the so-called Hawaiian ropubiic while Senator Mills abnsed him “in the style of the ; Holomua.’’ Mr. Morgan char-' actoriEetl Mr. Dole as “un honorable, and, I believo, a trust- { worthy raan. He is agentleman, j and not onlv a gentleman. but a | mau of oxtraordinar)* ability, groat conrage and boauty of character.” Mr. Mills. on the contrary, (in ! the stvle of the Holomua) put | Mr. DoIo down as a robber and 1 as “a tool of the United States j marinos.” It is noteworthy, that none of the two Sonators know Mr Dole | or has tho slightest comprehen- 1 siou of the "beauty” or otberwise of bis character. or of his here tofore uudiscovered “extraordinary ability." Minister Stevens. who knew him, roferred to him at a certain time in vory ditferent terms —but that was before be becamo “a tool of the United States marines." What wo desire to point out is, { the indisputable fact that Senator ! Mills spok« frv>m au bonest eooviction derivod from tbe faots laid befoie tbo Seuate pertsining to Hawaii and DoIe, bnt whal bo said was bis bonest aud frauk opinion. Senator Morgan, on tbe eon trary, bas from the begiuning taken up tbe Hawaiian fight in a moat porsonal manncr in favor of the revolutiou aud annexation. Mr. L. A. Tburston stated a few weeka ago at a public meeting, tbat Morgan was “a crank” on tbe Micaragua oanal scbeme, and ! tbat therefore, tbe party favoring j annexation (wbicb Dole doesn’t, do,) could depend on bim. But, wbat is of moro cousequeuce ie i tbat Morgan bas from tbe £rst | beeu “8ubsidi2ed" by tbe meu interested in tbe annexation i eeheme, and tbat be simply talks | like a lawyer, for a fee. It will ! not be v«n’ long before tbe world | will know tbe exact amonnt expeuded by tbe “wealtb, intelligence and goodness ’ of Hawaii for tbe furtberance of their htle scbeme. It bas by this time cost a pretty ronnd sum and some ; of tbe contribnters wonld now j ratber bavo paid with “sbingles" tban “ebekels' Morgau is a tool of Uie agents for the annexatiou eeheme. Milla is an independent, bonorable and trae American. Tbat’s tbe differenoe. < We may bere eall tbe attention tD ihe fact that the attitade of - Senator Morgan in ihe Hawaiian matter as well as bis diaobedience io Ihe party whieh elec(ed him i

bas killerl him politically. hen be vccepted a position from the Hvrris*>n admin:stration on the scandatous B«hrinp Sea Commission, he immediately lieeame the object of grave anepieiona. t When be opposed Clcvt land on the Hawaiian »ffairs aud eS|/oased annexation w;thont consoltiog his party be w;»s finishe<1. Hi« * poliiieal saicid A w.is acconiplished. and bis wiliingncss to fill bis pocketa «ith aome < f the guld from tbe Honolala schemers was quite natnr.<l.