Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — THE MONOWAI ARRIVES. [ARTICLE]

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No Startling News. Tbe li. M. S. S Monowai ar rive<i in jK>rt abortly after 3 o'eloek tl«is afternooo. Sbe * carrie« a !arRe nmal>er of oas.senpers e.<pecially for tbis port and conai<leralile freight. Me» sr«. Wuiemann, Parker aml Cammins arrived safely in San Franci»co, on tbe Rio Janeiro, and continaed tbeir journey to Wasbington on tbe day following tbeir arrival. The great railroad strike is not altogether fmisbed, bot it bas evidently lost its serious nspect Mails and passengers are carried throngh under railitary escort. Among the kamaainas retaruing by this bont we.nolieo Messis. W. M. Giffard, S. M. l)«mon, A. F. Hartwell and Osc«r Cun«: AIl guntlemen lookcd wull aml happy in retnrning to tbeir bomes. Tbere aro no new developments in regard to the taritf <iuestion or tbo Hawaiian aH«irs.