Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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DAIMITON Hotel «treet (Arlington Block.) Tb» *boTe 8tore has rwir«i «noihe» Laig« Iumee of jIapanese SlLK, X ANCY pOODS, Pcr S.S. “China.” —conrKnixa~ BEAUTIFUL SILK •AND CRAPE, biw i; vxU >n nll -ha.Ae, j>Uic and tipnmi. CaaLion«, Ttl>ie Oonn, Be-iCt>Ters Gown«, Cheici*es. 8hawls. Silli Crape Kainhow Silks, Ail Color* Fancy Drajvrio«, EH6B0IDERED HANDKERCH1EFS Doill»cs, 8carfs. Sashcs, JackiU, Ceps, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: l’he rrice«of th*uc Gix»U will astoui»h yon inclading ELEŪANĪ SILK KIM0N08I Handaoiue Cigarc»tc Cftses, l’in CushiOns, Silk Tea Cossie8, LIKUE 1XDSMALL JII*iSE.SE KU«S 8ilk rml>rellft», light but strong; Chftir 8ftddles. 8ilk; liamhoo Blind«, tit»ed with pulleya; 8ilk Lniuj> 8hades, uew style. JAPANK8E SCRKENS. Fro..i »3 l’p. LIKUK JIPIXESK I 1B£ELL4S 9 I*lt Can be Set witb Pole In thc ground, niee for iheniea or l.unehea ont of doors, they ean be opened ont or nsed as a tenl. CUlTON CRAPKS 1S GRKAT VAK1KTY l_~fT 1 ns|>*vtK'U ltesj>ectfally Iurited. MRS J. P. P. COLLA C0, Proprietress. Aprl2-3iu« JUST ARRIVED, 3 9 5 # BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, 1\ n i e IX THE LATEST PATTERXS. w /HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES HaXD SewINQ M AChiNSS, t3TAU Wuh tbe Latea» lniproTenients"^bJ PAKLOK - Or£rans, Griiitarr «k And Otber Maaioal InstntmentA •• • • Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAY8 OX IIAXD, AXD FOR SAL£ BI ED. H0FF8GHLi EGEB C0. KLs« St.. oppo. OaMle * Oooke'e TO L£T or LI.AHK. Akooae on King 8treei next toT. B. W«iker“» jwemiat’ conUining j>arior, dimng rootn ond Uuee bedrooa>«, beōdM kitcben liaUuooio >t«biea aud «11 modem enoM— iaiel) oooajiied by Mr. Ba«hoc. B«stBK‘deratetorMpon»ibU p*ny. AddreM jyI6 AEEAHAM FEEXaXDEZ