Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Benson. Smith <fe Co., The Corner %r DRU6 STORE Pn ro Dni2^, Ti'ue Peifnmes, Prompt Attention, Low Prices Corner Fort & HoteI aul ZLvlL S. LEVT, Will on AUGUST lst Bemove from hi- prosent store on H te. street, to the plaee formerly oeeanied by Beo?on, Smith A' Co., on Fort 'treet. Atler I pet sett!r»l it will be to var advantage to notes the price:?, et<r., thnt will appo.ir in th> eolumo. The FEAM L H00GS’ Personallv Conduetecl Excursion to the Volcano. LEAVING ON THE KINAU FRIDAV. AUG. 3. 1894. AND RETURNING T0 TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT QAYS LATEB. Some people who elaim to know all about it are of the opinion that the Crater’s present great state of activity may not la>t over two m«:>iith‘ci, and then it may drop out of sight altogether. If thisstorv shou!d turn out to be currect, there wou!d be hundreils of people in this city who vrould regret that they allowe»! an Opportunity to visit it go by. Whv not go now? TheSteamer Kinau will Ieave on Friday, August •>>!, with an ilxcorsion Party on b>ard —another ehaneeof the <ime kind may not present itsc!ff<>r a long tioie, and you are - ! ure lo enjoy the trip. \ ticket will e st yon $.j0. whieh includes hote!a and transp<>rtation. You wi!l never f>rget your first sight of the Great Burumg Lake, and without seeing it you will remam in the dark as to its appearance, as no {H'U ean do it just:ce. The trip is a most enjoyable one: you spend ailav or so in the Beautiful towa of Hilo; you traverse the ▼oleano Road with its weallh of tropicai fo!iage, aml when you reach the VoIcano House you wiil say that the trip, so far, is of the memorabie order. I5ut thia is nothing corapare<l to the awful sp!endor of the Crater; there is nothing like it in this earth. Read the Advertiser of Mon<iay, July 2.!r«i, and get an idea of what awaits you high up in thc mountains of Hawaii. jv26 P. O. Box 480. Mm'Ai Telei‘Hone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy I I NewandSecond Hand Fnrniture IS AT THE CORNEK OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X LHonoiuiu Long Branch Femandes X Gomes WUOLESALE : -8ĀTHlHGEstablishment. Caiifornia Wines and Spirits, No. 502 Fort Bt.. H molu'.u, H. I. P. O. Box 436, Muluai Telc. 140. This First-CIaas Bathing H»*sort has been enlarged and i» now open to the pub!ic, It is tbe best plaee | on the i?lacds to eojoy a Batb, and there ;s no better olaee to Iay off. j Speciai accommodation9 for Lad;es. Tramcars p*ss the d w every half hour, and on B<Uirdays aud Sundays every fiffeen mmuie». Jy30 2ni Wing Sing d|B» NO 330 NL L'ANU sTREET, HONOLULU Iki:excxb.£bn.t Xailox a 1 C. J. BHERWOOD, jj24 Proprietor. KENOLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, Nmnana tnj Ptatbi Cabincts. 13.50 Per Dozeu. “ 2.00 Per 1 2 Dozen, 8x10 f5,50 Per Dozen. “ 3,50 Per 12 Dozen. Dry Gooda «nd Cbioese Silks. •A fine assortraent of Amenean, EQgit9h and Scotch Clotfcs oa hand . go*cd work and a F1KST CLABS fit guaranteed CiotheseaecIdn i repaired jy71m SAiI YEE HOP, No. 552 Kiog Street, Dealer ia Catifornia and Hu waiīad Fruiti aud Veget»l>ies. Goava Telly. Tea and Gtonccl Codee,