Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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This week will l>e one voo wiU I all remcmber *silo from Dooble WiJth Serges (all wool / mt 50 cents a yarJ. Waists will receire an awful Cot; snch as CbiIJren'3 Donb!e V'e Waists in two weights and Winter. i Equipo : se Ladies Waists. Compromise Bodice Waists. Jeaness Miller Waists. ChilJren's Reefer Jackets and Children s Long Cashmere Coats. Another line of goods that are ororthy of yonr notice will be our Tnsore Draperies for Curtains and Divans, there is no reas->n why you sbonld let them pass. You ali kaow yonr friend. the P. D. Cor5et, noue better were ever made, or sold at onr priees. Ask to see onr Tan Colored Hosiery to match the different shades of shoes. We have them for ladies and children all sizes, ‘ and when it gets to Ladies and Childrens Uiaek Hosiery—no other House iu town eaa otfer von such a st to select from or at our prices. At the same time buy Lubbv a dozen of Fast Biack Socks, for Twp DoIlars, he is now p»ying more raoney for them. 8ATCRDAY, Aug. 4th, will be the great Hosiery day with ns, tbougb we won’t refnse to sell you thera during the week. Oue thing we wish to impress upon your minds, and that is we are actually selling goods for Iess mone}’ than we ever have before, i all through the house, you will find a general mark down; tbey are tho same High Class of Goods we have always carried; j the secret of it all is ; we are satisfied with less profit. We have a lot of raaterial that 1 will make Handsome Costumes for the Masquerade Ball. Vours etc., B. F. Ehlers A Co. jv33-tf . i