Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — Go There! [ARTICLE]

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Go There!

To fartber insure tbe success of the graod jubilee concert at the Hawaiian HoWl next S.»tnrda_v, in honor of Professor Heinneh Berger, the management of the great bost«ln>' bas arranged an excellent mena for dinoer, whieh will be enjoyed not alone by tbe regular goesi* of tbe botel r but by eveiybody who sboold desire to add something substantial to tbe more spiritoal enjayment of the concert. Mr. Frieman, the well-kuowu caterer, has selected tbe fo!lowing tempting menu: 1 OTA«E. Creaci of Asparagas, Consoa;m«. »Tmma Ouves, Chicken a la \Iaronaise, Tomatoes. n-a. Filet of Mnllei a L» HolIin<iiise. Pomme* Chatean. tNTRED«. Fdet of Beef a la Printaniere, Chicken Liver en Caisse. ! PCXCH. A la Uelmonieo. LEQCVIS. Striug Peaa'ī a la PanleUe. R«AST. Dressed Boast Turkev, Cranberry Sance. : 8AL.U>. Lettace a la Bonlelaise. ENTKEMETS. Cabinet Royale. DES8ERT. Tntti Frutti lee Cream, Cafe Noir. An Accident. Tbe Advtrtiaer contained tbis morning a report in whieh it was ,stated tb t 8iraoa Vou Topaz an ! oflicer oi tbe monnted poliee bad been thr«jwu from bss borse last ) i evening and sligbtly injured. 1 Tbe Advertiser waa as usoallv i incorrect or was imposed on by somebody wisliing to get u “dig’’ at the party in question. A representative of tbe Holomua called ou Vou Top;iz tbis afternoou and j found him sick, but not injured ! bv anv fall from a borse. He explained the occurrence by say- ■ ing that lie bad been unwell for several daya, and that be last ; night was ordered on duty on Nnuanu street. Between 8 and 9 o’eloek be was in the vicinity of tbe residenceof W.O. Smith when be was overtaken witb faintness i and d.zainess. He succeded as far as lie ean remember in disruounting and securing bis borso, and the next tbing bo reraombers was tbat be was tbe object of the ! attondance of the ladies in Mr. Smith‘s house from wbere he was ; takeu in a haek to tbe hospitab Upon reviving be drove to tbe station bouse, and from there to : Lis home where he is now re a ting comparatively easy. Topaz wbo i is ono of the best riders in the oity objects to any reflection ou bis borsemanship.