Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — Berger's Jubilee. [ARTICLE]

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Berger's Jubilee.

We have in a fonner issue roferred to tbe festive day on wLieh one of Hawaii s most popolar men celebrates the fifty-years anniversary of his birtb ,aud at tLe same time leads a band for the ’ 500tb time in theHawaiian HoteI groonds. Untiring in bis efforts, indos trious from raoruing to nigbt aud ever obtiging and ready to help in all good pnrposes bas Profeasor Borger been. The 22 years whieh be h;s sj>eut in these sunnv isles have not altogether been easy. His ofiice has not been a sinecure. Bnt we trust tbat the appreciation of bis fellow-cit'7.ens ( wi!l sbow to him tbat bis work bas not been īe vain. Heiurich Berger is full of music. Music is tbe Alpha and Omega of bi» ' naturo and his whole lifo bas «leen devoWU to it. When Hawaii congratu!ates him ou attain- | ing his jubilee, we do not believe that we ean say anything more ncceptable to Lim tban tbat be. on tbat day, will find that bo bas only friends and admirers and not a single enemy. Let every bodv be there ou Saturday.

As usuul, the sbfirpshooters are j called togother this eveuing to ! meet in the baseraont of the Palaee. Mr. J. H. Hare went as pnrser : on the steaiuer Hawaii this trip i vice “Jimraie” Simins who is doI ing laud duty. Mr. T. A. Simpson tbe popular host at tho Sans Souci Hotel has i ' severed his connections with that famous seaside resort. The Philadelphia Band and the Mannorchoer Society will assist at the open air concert next j Saturday evening at the Hotel. j — A guard at tho Oahu Jail vici* ! onslv assiiulted his mother last | ovening aud, altbough the woman reported the matter uo arrest ! occurod uutil this morning. The bark 11. P. liithet arrived iu port last evoniug from San Francisco bnnging a miscel- ! !lanoous cargo valued at about $21,000 and six cabin passongers. The Hollister Hrug Co., at No. | ' 523 Fort street, are selling the | 1 Pure Vaselin, highly recomend- | ed for sores, burns, and skin ! disoases. at the extremely low priee of five oents a box. I • i lt is understood that there will be no defect in tbeElectric Light next Satnnlay wheu the Qovern- : ment 13and plays as there was when tbe N »tional Baud p1aycd j last Tuosday. The members of the Scheutzen Club and those of the Araerican 1 League aro getting at logger- ■ heads. The snperior pnll of tbe Clnb is distasteful to the selfexpatriated Americans (?) JpV* If Yoib Hoxse ob Doo is sick send ihem at onee to 205 King Street. The only Veterinary Iunrmary in the Kepuhlie fully equippeil with modern appli«nces and .skillfu!I attendaots. augl-lm Long Life Whiskey, whieh is tbe new and famous brand disp!ajed by Wm. Cunniugham at theAnohor, is recommended toall those who **pray and wait” lt ean be taken wiihoni gaarxlian and wbat ia bettcr, at tbe present iime, withont water. lt will alao show all sportsmon of the Aas. wbere to find the desir*d doves, ducks and phessaats—on tbe otber side of ihe Cbinese Theatre.