Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Coancils met tbis uftor«oon. Tbe Nunana stream is not even a brooklet now. Tbe ’Tise; states tbat, S»turday evening will bo a gala night, at tbe Hotel. Do not forget tbo Tbistlo Club concert tomorrow erening, at tbe rooms of tbe Club. Tho new clerk of the 13oard of Eilucatiou bas takon tbo roquired oatb nud eommeneeil work. All tbo evidenco in Mabelona’s oaso is in, and argumont by counsols will be board tomōrrow. 'i'ho Cbief .īustice bas not yet left for "tb« otber side” where bo is to onjoy bis long vacation. Miss Evelyn l>exter will be married to Mr. W. W. Harris tbis eveuing, iu tbe Contral Union Cbarcb. Artbur Jobnstone tbe editor of Uie Xtar is still bolioved to be tbe loeal correspoudent of tbe San Fraucisco Chronicle. Tbo bark S. C. Allen sailed yesterday aftoiuoon for San Frauoisco, carrying forward 2,181000 lbs. of sugar, valued at $57,344 13. Proporty along Nuuann avenne, from Judd street to Beretania streets, is not being improved in value by tho laek of proper water •opply. Member» of tbe Honolulu Cricket clab are to compote witb a team from H. B. M. S. Cbampion in a game of crioket at the old Rccre»tion grounds next Saturday aftcrnoon. Press club had an extended meeting last eveuing and measures were adopted to impoae club penalties on recalciirant ruembers. A special eommiUee on island curioaities prosented tbe remains of several old gan barrels of uukuowu date. Eleeiioo of officers will probably Uke piuee at tbe uoxt meeting.