Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CITY DRAYAGECO, Stand: Qut«n and Fort Street9. Wbite and Black Sand. Draying Dooe at Rea»3nable Ratea. W f SRaRRETT. Ki'iieu. MACHINE MADE -C1 POI! FACTOBY, : : KAUHI. Taro Piant$, Frcsh Toj>6 and Rnw Taro at all Rimr t*p Mutua! Te!epbone 577. Beli 345w W. L. WILCOX. jy25 Manager. i RlN»i l'P Ml īl’AL TELE. SK. NIEPER'S Baggage Express. 229 Fort ?t,, Hoeola’ i. H. I Baggage aud Furniture CArefully ' ; Handled and I>eliveretl at Short Notice to A!1 Parts ot the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort A* Queen St2. | ir» POSTPONED. Snle ot liioe at ation at AAaikiki*kai. In pep?oancc of instn>ctioo» frv'in HO SVX of Kwa, of t»»hu. tL I.. the mortinwiTc namcd in a l'ha(tlT M>>rt<a<r. neeuleU b_r OHEONO KIM TAI. da(«l Ōetober \Hin. ISrj, »i>4 m-or»lcvl ;n Lib* r J:y, p»£. « 257 A. ’ i shall sc!l lo tho hicb<»t biv!drn »t anellon, 1 »t my Rvx»m, Honolula. oaSATl r RDAT Uie 4th d»y of Aag., at 12 o’eloek nooo, ’ lh>- folloirlog property. rir The Rlcc P!ant»Uon, kw>it!i »< thc Owowe Kim T»i. (formcriy thc Tec Hop ('o'. PUulation. »t >V»ikiki k»i, Honoluln. inc!uding »11 Ic»*cs of lands cmbr»cod tht rviu, oa «hieh »rc dwclling hou.«c, outbon»cs. thrcshing i floor and etinlpmcnt* of » weU condueted rfce | plant»ti»n; »lso »11 tho implcments of eulUi r»Uon, horscs, w»gon. etc. A scbedu!e of the s and other propertr l concerned may be s*cn »t the otfic« >>f (' M'. j Ashpord, Attoraer for the Mortg»cev. Term> of S*le, ē’aoh. Dc*d.< al eipem-e of ; pureh*ser. L. .1. Levoy, Aurtionecr. The abore sale U (x»tpon*d to Aueiul tth. br onier ol C. W. ASHFORD, Atton»er f«»r Hortgagee. ! T. i i I i B. Murray Ih Vol to bo Fountl • i On Iho OI«l Nlnnil, >«. Ift RIng HI.—HIm HuhIiiohn a« CARRIAGE and T n (»oes On. irrWhen the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets amaaheel he r will be ready to EEPAIE, PAINĪ 4ND TRIM IT At a RcasoDable Fignrc.— No i Extra CLargc for Farnishing them witb O’ommon Sen.se. LET THE.M PJNG UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. Jy2I Om City - Carriage ’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KTNG STREET D. BEflT, Mj\ia$ei\ Blacksmith Work A5D Carriage Repairing PAINTING : AND ; TRIMMING In »11 its Brancbes, at Bed Eoek Price«. Mulual Telephone 382 - Give ua a Call and jndge for yoorself. jy23 CRITERION 5AL00N, Weiiand<Extra*Pak Lager Eeep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. j3*U L. H. DEE, Prop r