Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Prouramme ot* BICVCLE MEEI To )!>• On Saturdav, Ausr. 11th KAPIOLANI PAkK, 2:30 P v. sbi»rp 1— Oae Mile D*īb. open; Gotd Med«L 2— Ha!f M;V D«ab. n 'rio;: 54lver Medal. 3— One Qaart«r Mik Dish, o|.«n: Siiver M«U. 4— Cae H>K Mile Dash, borx nnder 15 SiWer Medals; Cr« and aeeoni. «e'-Oue H*lf Mile Da»h. open; GoM Me.U. 6 -One Mile Dash. ;hree minule ciass; Silver Me-Lh. 7—Three Quarter Mile Ihuh. open: GuU Meilal. $—One Mile Dash, noriee; Silver Me<Uk. Entrance Fee for K* es Sos. 1, 5 anJ 7, $1.50: all i>thars, entrance $1. AU Eutrie« to Ck*se OX MOXDAY. Ang. 6th, 12 noon, at the offiee of H. E. Walker, Merchaut Street, Honoluln. GenerJ Adaxisgion. 50 cfc>; Gr*ml St*nd, extra, 25 cts: Qnarter Stretch Badges, $2.00 eaeh; Carringes pnsi<le oi nieeconrse> $2.50. United Carriage ; Company, i M. REIS S J.C. ŌUINN 290 T0 TUE PUBLIC:—l{ you are thinking about *hopping, calliug ōr taking in the sigbts, ring np 2S(0. when- you ran ohlain a nr3t-cla*-! oarriai:e with eloKanl horsca aml a civil drivcr, or if y«u choose to drire yonrself, we ean accommodate yon wilh styli*h Bnirgies, Phaetons, Surru-s and W«gont ttcs. We havc for Uvcry hone* the tinest roadātcn* in the Kepuhlie. Our livery horscs coroprise some of thc well-known rōadsters, sucb as the Gray-cagle, White-«wan, Pnnee Henry, Abadellā, Koanoke, Lady TempIeton, Stevew hipper aud others. a rhUd ean drive auy of thc?c horscs, but it takcs a Kansas cyelone to pass one of them on the road. For further particulars, ring up 390, or eal! st «ur &t«nd and olHee next to E. O. Hall a Son. jy 36. ED. C JiOWE. Home Sign ami Oinamenial Painter. Manufacture of Liquid S!ating. 620 E.ing Street. augl H0K CORXER OF Nuuanu and Beretania Slrcets. 561 Both Telephohes:-> 561 GOOD, KELIAULE a>d jy27 tf CI\TL DKIVERS. Mctval Tkl. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & C0., No. 15 Xccaw St»ket, Hok*lcic, H. I.. Commission Merchants, —Impoetk»s asu De.ti.nts ix— General Merchandise. Fine Manila Ci«*rs, Chin«se and Jap»nese Crockeryware, Mattings, Vase» ot all kinds, Campborwood Trnnk«, Rattan Chairs.A Finc A*sortment of I)r, s* S«ika. Cboie«et Brai;d* of Chine*e and Jap*nese Teaa of Late«t lmportati«o» I*.*pfetion of Am Goo<U/f*ptet/*Uy »olirited. jnly6. Chas. T. ōuliek NOTARY PUBLIC poMMEwmii For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Take Ackao«rIedgcnent8 to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oaho. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Scott's Froight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burliagton Koute. | Eeal MeMer ailEeienl At't! 1 Bell Tel. 343; Mal. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OPFlCE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street Honolnln H. !. FOR 8ALE. Ono Marqnee Tent. new; Size 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Boof 8 02. Dnck; Polee, Pins, Ring Rafter, etc. Inquire at the HOLOMUA OFFICE.