Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 178, 2 ʻAukake 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Jul y 24 1894. i In “Puddenhead Wilson’s Phil- • | oaophv ’ Mark T\rains.iys: “Pu{ i all of yonr eggs in one basket — and watcb that basket.” Eggs ' i are not the only things to whieh ' j this applies, we ean mako it ul stoves and change eggs into , do!lars and make it read—Iaveat •: your eoin in a Pansy Stove—and ' the stove will watch itself. We i have been watching these stoves i for the past five years, and find : them the best iron stove so!d in i this market for the money, 1 Where else than at our store ean you get a stove that will do overything that a 150 stove will doand get it for 815' Eeho answers, i ‘the plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We bave sold Lnndreds of these stoves in Honoluln, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman on Hawaii, and yesterday he ordered another for a friend. The stove sells itself thrv>ugh its fuel saving qualities. aud because, it is a good baker. You ean get other styles of stoves if you are not , particular as to the qnantity of fuel you burn or how yonr i food is cooked. There’s no dys - pepsia in meals prepared on a PAKSY. We received last week a lot of 1 wire clothes-lines that hold washed clothes without nsing pins. It is a sort of double wire arrangemeut and the pieces are held in between; the harder the i wind blows the tighter the pieces ' are beld to tbe line. Thero is absolntely no danger of the clothing being torn as there is notbing sharp about the line. "W hile tho cost i» a tvido groater • than rope, this new style will i last so mueh louger that it is eeonomieal to buy the pinless line. The CLAUSS is one of the new fangled saw-edge knives that cuts warm bread withont leaving it heavy and iced eake withont making crumbs There are two or three difterent makcs of these knives, all on the same principle and eaeh ono pronounced the best on earth by the mannfacturers. We selected the Clauss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neighbors. Yon never had anytbiug in your Iife that give as mueh satisfaction for a dollar. If you were boying the other sort yoa would get only one. The favorite sewing maehine. in any community is the one that does the most for the le»st money and wbicb rnns tbe easiest. In the “W r ertheim” you have a maehine that sews three distiuct stitches—The Loek, Cbaiu and Embroidery aud nms easier than any other maehine, and you pay tweuty dollars less for it. £conomy stands boldly every side wheu you buy a Weiiheim. In tucking the ehain stitcb is preferable, but in otber kinds of I work. tbe loek stitcb is tbe best. | lf you buy a maehine tbat sews ! the loek, unless it is a Wertbeim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. Tbere’s no particular saving in | buying a maehine witb bnt one | stitch, tbe Weiiheim does tbree aud saves you lots of tronble and work. We've just unpacked six casks of staud lampstbat wero built for bard times. Tbey bave metal bases aud are decorsted so as to make a very ueat appearance in a room. We don't think you ean get as good a lamp anywbere el.se ; for tbe money, tiy as bard asyon pleaae. Onr stock of table cutlery, spoons and forks is as Iarge as you will find iu any store in San Franeisco, and our prices eompaie favorab)y with tbose in New Tork. f« Hiniiii Harl«are Ct 307 Fort Street