Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — ONE RIGHT OBTAINED. [ARTICLE]
Mr. H. X. Castle. the gallant defender of woman'e righta, must be elated by learning tbat the | government at last bas placed j women on an eqnality with the b«d, bad men. To “swear” has heretofore been a privilege of the sterner sex. Mr. W. R. Castle of the Board of Education has issued tbe following oircular i Jetter that speaks for iiself: Board of £ducation. Honolulo, H. I.. July 30th, 1894. | To the Employees of the Board j of £ducation, By ortler of the Fresident of the Board of £ducation, W. B. j i Castle, Esq., I am instructed to t inform you tbat all Teachers, and other employees of the Board, male or female, most Uke tbe oath to sapport th« Constitution, Laws aud Goyernmeut of the ! Bepublic of Hawaii. Alatau T. Atkixsok, Iospector Gen. of Schools.