Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THB HAWAIiAN REPUBHC. OFFICUL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATIOX 0F BCREAUS. Ex«ci-ttvs Oonen.. S. B- Do>. hoUrg| of ta» P>vT*«kmaI Oorfn mral o( the li(aads. «q4 Min!(t«r of Foprixn A9kin. J. A. K:tur. il!r.Us»r of the Iat«r1or. ?. M Miat(ter o( Plnar.ee. W. O, Sa!ta. A:tomeT Gea«r«:. Advc«o»t Coocil. w.r. WH<Vr. \ lee-pfealdens of tie ProvUkMt*; Goverumeat ol the HawalUn I»Ur.Jj, C. BoIte. ('eeil Brotrn. John Sou. John En«. J«me« P. Morr«n Ed.8ihr. Jo*. P. Men.ionea, John Kam*tnth. K. D. Tenner. W. F. Alūn, Uenre W«terhon«e. A. Yonne. F M. Haleh. T. K.xl<er», Secre!ary Ei •<| AJ» Coun<Ti». Stpkkxs Corsr. Hon. a. F. Ju.iJ. Chlef !usttee. Hon. H. F. Btekerton. F!m AaeoeUie Ju«tlce. Hon. W. F. Frear. reeonJ Aooeiaie Jast!ee. Hcarr SmiU». Chlef Clerk. Geo, Luo*. Wputy Clerk. C. F. Peter»>n.SeonKl IVpntr C!erk. J. W«;ter Joaes, ?tetio*r«pher. CiBcrrr Jcdobs. Fim C1rcuit: Seeond Clrrutt (M*nl) k. N. Kepolkal. īhinlinil KoarthClrcnIt«: (Haw«ti)S. I» Annln FUtlt Cireuit: (Kaual) J. Hmlr, Olilee» «nd Conrt-rooa In Conrt Houae, K)UX street. SlttinK In Honoiulu -The Hnl Mo-ul«y In F'ebru«ry, M«y, Augu«t «ad No ■ uiber. DkPAmts)rror Foksigs imiu. Offlee In CapttoI Hul!dlnf. K:ri( «treet. Hl* Exceileney S«u(or l B. Dole, Miui»ter of Forel(u Aff«lr», Geo. C. Potter. Seercury. W. Uor«ce Wrljht, Llouel H«rt, C'erk». Dir«KntsxTor l!rrssiov Office tn Executlre Bui.Jinf, Klng »treei. HU Eieel'.cney J. A. Ktng, M!nlster o( tnterior. Chief Cierk, J»hn A. Uau nser. Asal»t«ut Clerka: J«mes U. Hoyd, M. K. Ki ohokaiole. Stephen Mahaulu, ueor*e C. Kom EJw«rdS.Boyd. Bt'ss«c or Aosiccurss «xn Foss«TnT. Pre8ldent: Hl» Esrelleney the Mlnlfter o( Intertor. Wm. O. Irwlu, AlUn Uerbert, Johu Ena. Jo«eph Mamieu, ComalMloner «nd Secret*ry. CHISF8 or Bcss«cs, lXTSS10B Dsr*sTM«xt , surreyor-(ietieniI, w. u. Alezanoer. 1 8upl. Publ e Work», W. E. Rn«eU8upt. W«ter Work». Audrew Hrown. ' ln»peetor, Kleetric Lixbta, Jobn Ca««idy. ' Kegi»tr«r o( C juvey«uce*. T. (i. Thrnai. Ko«d 8upervUor. Hoiiolulu, W. H. eummino Cble( EuglDeer FTre Uept„ Ju. H. Knot. Bupt. Iiuaue Asylum, Dr. A. McWayne. Dsr«sniBXT or Fis*xcs, Otr.ce, Kxecutive Bulidln*, King itree«. Minlster o( Fluance, Hls Ksceliency S M Damon. . Audltor <ienenil. George J. Kom. Regl»trnr o( Accounta. W. G. A»hiey. CTerk o( FTn«nce UtBee, E. A. Mclnerny. ColHretor-Gener«l o( Cn«tom, Jas. B. Caaile. Tax A’«*-wv)r. Oahu, Jona. Sn«w. Depuly Tax A«se««or, W. C. Weeilon. Poatmaster-Gcneral, J. Mort Oat, Ccstoms Bcns«c. . OtF.ce, Cu»tom Uou.se, E»pl«n»dc, Fort »treet Codector-GeneraJ, J»»- B. Ca»tle. Ueputy-Coi.*elor F. B. Mer*tocker. H«rborm«iter. Captaln A. PuUer. Port 8nrveyor, M. » 8andcr». atorekeeper. Geor*e C. 8tratemeyer. 7>sr«snuxT or Attobxbt-Gsxbs«u Offlce In Es«eut!ve auiM’.n*. Kme *tr«et Attoraey Gener*!. W. O. Smlll) Depnt; Attomey.General, U. K. Wllder <Tert. J. M. Kea. Mar»ba(. K, G. Hileheoek. Clerk to Manhai. U. M. Dow. Deputy Manhai, Arthur M. Browu. JaUor Uahn Prt»on. J, A. Low. Prt»on Phy»lel«n, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Bo«sh or Ixxi ! ,n«no.T. PreeWent. Hl» Kxce!>ncT A. Klnx. Member <■( lh* Boar<t ot I mmlxT«tlon: Uon. J. H. Aihenoo. J«*. B. Caatle, Hon. A. 8. Cle*hom. Jame» G. opeueer Mark P MlMl Secret«ry, * r«y Taytor. Bo«so 09 Us«LTX. OAee tn rroand» oi Conrt Boase Bulldln( oomer of MiUlaal aod Qu«en ttreets. nbers: Dr. Dar. Dr. Mlner. Dr. Andrwwn. J. T. Waterhouae Jr., John Eoa, Theo. e. Laniin* «nd Attorney-Gen«ral amith. Pre»l<leat— Hon. W. O 8mlth. 8eeret»ry—Clia». Wileon. Ezeenttv« Officer—C. B. fteynot<U. lrwpeetor and M«na*erol <iarb*ge Serr!ce -L, L La Pienw. Inspeetor—G. W. C. Joa«a. Purt Pa;sict«n, Dr.G. B. Aodresrs. DUpec««ry. Or. H. W. How«rd. Lep«r 3etUemc.lt, Dt. K. K. OUver. Bo«sn or Eccc«rto.e. Cocrt Uooae BatMlng, Kio£street Pre*Ment, Hon. 0. K. Bishop Seeret«ry, W. J«mea 3mith. Inspector oi 8otoool». a. T. Alklnaon. DisrxicrCoc«T. PoUea 8Utloa Bui'dla*. Merehan' ttt—t 4 A M. Eokanaon, M*gbtrata. X. Ilwnip«0B, Osrt