Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSAIiVES Allwm K«!» o* Rud • Ss>pplT of V«ry Best Ymm Soap In C»s« of tt30.(Q ud 70 Bli f*rk; THIS S<VVP B THE Fiaest Imported Hore.| SPECIAL PR1CES FOR 3 CASEj> is urr?. m mei' 4 n»irs Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WHISREY utn/ly: BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsleys OLI) BIended :Glenlivet OLHNLION, Extra, SfKH-ial 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOUEUK SC0TCH WH1SKEY. POUXD MASTERS XOTICE. Xoticc is hereby given to all persons that ther« are at the Govemmeut Ponnd at Makiki, fonr strayed horses. 1 poor red horse, white spots on the forehead, back and on the left side; brand AF qneer brand onleft hip; two hmd fetlocks white; ‘2 front hoofs shod; one block mare, white spot on forehead and back: brand, a heart; brand on left hip not distinct; sore back; one bay mare, white forehead; brund brands on left aud right hips iudistinct; one bay horse, fore fetIock white; brand on right hip Mj; brand on left not plain. AU persons owning same are rednested lo take tne same on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATUKDAV, AUO. 4 1S<M. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Master. Makiki, Jnly 21, 1SW. jy21-dt P. O. Bos 209. 400 Nuuanu St. S. YASUM0RI, MEKCHAXT TAILOR. Dealer in Japnnese Goods, Boots and Shoes of Japanese mako; Cheap for Cash, Xew Goods by Every Steauaer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITU, am) DEALEK IN GLASSware, Crockery, Coal-Oil Stoves, Water Pots—Plnmbing in AU Its Branches FaithfuUy Executed. jylS-ly Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Frnits and Groceries. Fresh Fruits by Every* CaIifornia Steamer, Eresh Isfand Bntter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Koasted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, jy21 81*0 YIES KEE. TINSM1TH a.>d DEALER IX TLNWARK. Piping Laid and Repaired. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. Call and See Cs, No. 222 Maanakea St., Hooolulu. jy20 loa «ITOHAK” IMPORTER +xd DEALER IN UENEEAL I Merchandiae. Exclu«vely of J«paseae M*nulaetnre-WnOLESALE 4 R£TAIL. 204 and ‘306 For» ātre«t. P.O. Box 116 Mntoal T«Ie. Ō92. \ IIeW the Hiwn \kmm Semce U L. M. Johsso5, Mauager Hatoal Tel SO0 BeUTdU« OmeE 1a MASOSIC BULLDING W? are prrpared lo aaitoraxd at all Uoar» FromptncM ami utl»o gnaranteed. To« r.ng vs op and ve «Ul do the km. Hoor!y ntee 40 eents. For dlataace ratei ie« Mewcogtn Map jy3 3m