Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rr ī SSURAN T C I?,^3 FIRE AND MAPINE TBE US»EKSrtiNSD l> AUTiIOElZF.D TO TAKE KIP.E a.m> MaP.INK P.īSKS ON Merchandise, H.ulls. Cariroes ? FreiglitvS and C , ommissions At Cunvnt Kntes, in tlie Following Cos. *akely: , BOYAL INSURANCE COMPAN\. LIVtBPOOL. ALLIANCE ASSURANCt FIRE MAHINK, LONOON, WILHELMA OF MADGERLRG OENEEaL 1NSURANCECO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANV, SAN FKANCISCO. .1. S. WAI ,KER, for the Hawaiian Islands. OBOWAV k J»OKTEB. Robinson liloek, Hotel St., heheeen Fort and Nuuanu , Have Jnst Ecceivtd, jer late Anivals, ile I nf.cs-t Ficcl cf fUR N1TURE Ever ImporteJ to t!iis Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom In SoIicl Otik, andot the LA TESTDES1GNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTI0N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICK.ER WARE, Boautiful Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIRS. ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean got these in nny FINTSH vou desire. CHAI Conutless numbers of CHAIKS, in everv stvle, includiug OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. , x^.B30E!s, We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EVEK SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and Chiffoniers cr X5 1 nxr s. Divans covered with PORTIERS aro becomiug qoite tbo rage in plaee of LOUNG£S—we raannfacturo tiiem to ordor, and have a laige stock of P0RT1ERS to selcct from. BZDriITG-. Groat Assortment ofWOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES —Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizcs. CORNlCE POLES, iu wood or brass trimmiugs. I I o-. Mattresses, Loungos and all Upholstered Furuituro repaired at roasonable rates. CABINET MAKING, in all its branchos, by Com}>etent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Int- rior Decorating under the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods nre First Class. and our prices are the lowest Come ! and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephoxes: Muluai 645. ORDWAY <fc PORTER. Kobiuson Biock. between Fort and Nnnanu ] Telkphoms: BeU 351 Mutnal 417 K>;sidexce: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 - F„ B. THOMAS, w C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griven on A.11 Ivinds 0F BM, IKON, STOE i W «DISG3 All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Bncs. i.ime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d «fc New Corrngated lron, MintoniTile8, Quarry Ti!es, assorted sizes and colors; Califoinia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. 1Corner King <5t Smith Sts. Officc Hours, b to w M., x tO 4 P H. 3