Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG STORE Pure Drugs, True Perfumes, Pix>mpt Attention, Low Price^ Corner Foi*t & Hotel Sts. aui S Will on AUGl'ST l»t Remove from hie pres«nt store on HoteI 9lrret, to the plaee formeriy occupied by Benson, Smith i Co., on Fort street. Atter I «et settled it will be to rour adrantage to notes the price«, et<*., lhat inll appe*r in thi< eolumn. The FHANK L. HOOOS' Peminalh Coiulucted Ex- « cursion to the Volcano. LEAVING ON THE KINAU FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1894, AND RETURNING TO TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT DAYS LATER. Some people who elaim t > know all about it are of the opinion that the Crater’s present great state of activity may notIast overtwo monih’a, and then it may drop out of sight altogether. If this story ahouM turn out to be correct, there would bt> hundreds of people in this city who wouid regret tbat they a!low**d an opportunity to visit it go by, Wby not go now? The Steamer Kinau will leave on Friday, August 3d, with an Excr9ion Farty on board—another ehanee of tlie same kind may not present itee!ffor a long time, and you are s»ure to crjoy the trip. A ticket will eal you #50. whieh includes hotels and tran8portation. You will uever forget your firsl sight of tbe Great Burning Lake, and without see:ng 5t you will remam in the dark as to ita appearance, as no pen ean do »t jnstice. The trip is a moet enjoyable one; you spend a day or 9o in the Beautiful towu of Hilo; you traverse the Volcano Uoad with its wealth of tropicai foliage, and when you reach the Volcano Houae you wiil say that the trip, so far, is of the memorable order. But this is nothing compared to the awful splendor of the Crater; there is nothing like it in this earth. Read the Advertiser of Monday, July 23rd, and get an idea of what awaits you high up in thc mountains of Hawaii. jy26 P. O. Box 480. Mctcal Telcphoxe 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furniture A